Not Feeling it in my Chest

So when I squat, I feel it in my legs. When I do bicep curls, I feel it in my biceps. When I do dips, I feel it in my shoulders and triceps. But when I bench press, I can't feel it in my chest. Even when I tuck my elbows in, I only feel it in like my triceps. It feels like my arms are the only muscles moving the weight, and my chest isn't doing anything at all.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have the same thing when i bench. I feel it mostly in my triceps and upper arms, not so much chest.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    do some flys. works the pecs much more than conventional bench press

    depending on your arm placement you could be working tri's moreso than your chest when you bench, flys isolate the pectoral muscles
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    do some flys. works the pecs much more than conventional bench press

    depending on your arm placement you could be working tri's moreso than your chest when you bench, flys isolate the pectoral muscles

    I was actually thinking about that as I was in the gym today. But that doesn't really answer my question: am I doing bench press right if I'm not feeling it in my chest? I mean, even when I flare out my elbows to focus more on pecs, I still am not feeling it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    do some flys. works the pecs much more than conventional bench press

    depending on your arm placement you could be working tri's moreso than your chest when you bench, flys isolate the pectoral muscles

    good option.

    I really prefer the cable tower to do high mid and low chest fly's.

    BUT for bench- changing the angle of the bench will impact you
    Changing the placement of your hands- I find I tend to naturally bench more narrow- but when I am about 2" wider on each side- I really can feel it (I've been benching for a while- and I just started changing it- and I'm getting sore pecs- it's so weird b/c I haven't been sore in many moons)

    anyway- a flat bench can/is a whole body move- so I tend to feel it more in my hamstrings ultimately on heavy lifts- but play around with it till you're feeling it the way you want to- which really- is highly goal dependent.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    do some flys. works the pecs much more than conventional bench press

    depending on your arm placement you could be working tri's moreso than your chest when you bench, flys isolate the pectoral muscles

    I was actually thinking about that as I was in the gym today. But that doesn't really answer my question: am I doing bench press right if I'm not feeling it in my chest? I mean, even when I flare out my elbows to focus more on pecs, I still am not feeling it.
    how wide are your hands when your pressing?

    i generally dont get a sore chest no matter what i do, never really have. maybe you just need to up the intensity, but a lack of soreness doesnt necessarily indicate a lack of progress
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    So when I squat, I feel it in my legs. When I do bicep curls, I feel it in my biceps. When I do dips, I feel it in my shoulders and triceps. But when I bench press, I can't feel it in my chest. Even when I tuck my elbows in, I only feel it in like my triceps. It feels like my arms are the only muscles moving the weight, and my chest isn't doing anything at all.

    Work out with me for a day.

    You will feel it. :wink:
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    do some flys. works the pecs much more than conventional bench press

    depending on your arm placement you could be working tri's moreso than your chest when you bench, flys isolate the pectoral muscles

    I was actually thinking about that as I was in the gym today. But that doesn't really answer my question: am I doing bench press right if I'm not feeling it in my chest? I mean, even when I flare out my elbows to focus more on pecs, I still am not feeling it.
    how wide are your hands when your pressing?

    i generally dont get a sore chest no matter what i do, never really have. maybe you just need to up the intensity, but a lack of soreness doesnt necessarily indicate a lack of progress

    I never get sore either, but when I am doing bicep curls for example, I will feel my biceps working. When I bench, I don't feel my chest working.

    When I bench with the barbell, I like to have my thumbs around the small ring.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Serious though, you want a chest workout??

    Incline bench 5 sets, 5 - 8 reps. Heavy as you can
    Flat bench dumbells 4 x 8 reps. heavy as you can
    cable crossovers 3 x 12 reps
    wide (or standard) pushups 3 sets til failure

    Try that...see what happens
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Another good one to toss in there is off set push ups- put one hand on a DB that's up on end- or a med ball or a stair stepper- the other on the floor- you're going to be really hammering the high side pec b/c you get a deeper push.

    Try it- it's good chit.
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    Serious though, you want a chest workout??

    Incline bench 5 sets, 5 - 8 reps. Heavy as you can
    Flat bench dumbells 4 x 8 reps. heavy as you can
    cable crossovers 3 x 12 reps
    wide (or standard) pushups 3 sets til failure

    Try that...see what happens

    Hahaha I usually do full body workouts, but I can do this one time just to see what happens :)
  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    So when I squat, I feel it in my legs. When I do bicep curls, I feel it in my biceps. When I do dips, I feel it in my shoulders and triceps. But when I bench press, I can't feel it in my chest. Even when I tuck my elbows in, I only feel it in like my triceps. It feels like my arms are the only muscles moving the weight, and my chest isn't doing anything at all.

    Try using what's called lifting with "intention"... When your holding the bar, without actually moving your hands, apply pressure as if your trying to move your hands towards one an other.. you can try it in the push-up position to see what I mean, It activates your pecs... U can also use the same principal for back by applying pressure outwards. Put your hands on the inside of a door frame and push outwards and feel it in your back. Also works on your legs for squats and leg press apply the pressure outwards. try it while your simply standing up and you'll feel the tension in the muscle.

    ETA: Don't be surprised if you have to lower the weight your currently using
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Serious though, you want a chest workout??

    Incline bench 5 sets, 5 - 8 reps. Heavy as you can
    Flat bench dumbells 4 x 8 reps. heavy as you can
    cable crossovers 3 x 12 reps
    wide (or standard) pushups 3 sets til failure

    Try that...see what happens

    Hahaha I usually do full body workouts, but I can do this one time just to see what happens :)

    You do full body??
    Well then you may not feel it in chest or get sore...

    And also, you may not be fully taxing your chest if you are expending energy on other muscle groups.

    Why full body anyways??
    Aren't you trying to put on weight?
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    Serious though, you want a chest workout??

    Incline bench 5 sets, 5 - 8 reps. Heavy as you can
    Flat bench dumbells 4 x 8 reps. heavy as you can
    cable crossovers 3 x 12 reps
    wide (or standard) pushups 3 sets til failure

    Try that...see what happens

    Hahaha I usually do full body workouts, but I can do this one time just to see what happens :)

    You do full body??
    Well then you may not feel it in chest or get sore...

    And also, you may not be fully taxing your chest if you are expending energy on other muscle groups.

    Why full body anyways??
    Aren't you trying to put on weight?

    This is my routine right now. You think I should split it?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The answer has been said a lot. Also think 45 degree tuck in and not more because it messes up bench form. Do you use your legs in the lift in benching? The heavier weight you push up the more chance you can get your chest to activate the fibers to grow more.
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    The answer has been said a lot. Also think 45 degree tuck in and not more because it messes up bench form. Do you use your legs in the lift in benching? The heavier weight you push up the more chance you can get your chest to activate the fibers to grow more.

    Lol what's the answer?

    And no I don't use my legs in benching. My trainer once told me that I should be driving hard against the floor with my toes while heels are up in the air. But I feel this is more of a power lifting thing and not necessary for me at the moment because I am lifting light, learning form still.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The answer has been said a lot. Also think 45 degree tuck in and not more because it messes up bench form. Do you use your legs in the lift in benching? The heavier weight you push up the more chance you can get your chest to activate the fibers to grow more.

    Lol what's the answer?

    And no I don't use my legs in benching. My trainer once told me that I should be driving hard against the floor with my toes while heels are up in the air. But I feel this is more of a power lifting thing and not necessary for me at the moment because I am lifting light, learning form still.

    Think of it this way when you are sitting in a chair push your feet down hard. I feel I get a lot more power from heel pushing than toe pushing. Give that recommend chest workout a try. You will be feeling it after it is done. My chest days are not that many sets and I feel it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The answer has been said a lot. Also think 45 degree tuck in and not more because it messes up bench form. Do you use your legs in the lift in benching? The heavier weight you push up the more chance you can get your chest to activate the fibers to grow more.

    Lol what's the answer?

    And no I don't use my legs in benching. My trainer once told me that I should be driving hard against the floor with my toes while heels are up in the air. But I feel this is more of a power lifting thing and not necessary for me at the moment because I am lifting light, learning form still.

    wait- first you're using a whole body routine- then you say you aren't using a whole body style of lifting.

    Pick one. Because now I"m confused.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Are you new to lifting??
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    The answer has been said a lot. Also think 45 degree tuck in and not more because it messes up bench form. Do you use your legs in the lift in benching? The heavier weight you push up the more chance you can get your chest to activate the fibers to grow more.

    Lol what's the answer?

    And no I don't use my legs in benching. My trainer once told me that I should be driving hard against the floor with my toes while heels are up in the air. But I feel this is more of a power lifting thing and not necessary for me at the moment because I am lifting light, learning form still.

    if you are still learning form then you SHOULD be using leg/heel drive during bench press. it has nothing to do with being a "powerlifting thing" it IS the correct way to perform the lift. shoulders squeezed back together, heels firmly on the floor, slight arch in your back, lats flared, and the weight supported on the upperback/traps. this is how it is done. also thumbs on the PL rings is a very very wide grip, try bringing it to your pinkies on the PL rings.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I need to working on using that form when doing Bench myself I think....if I want to go up...
    I am around 255 right now, and man just so much wear and tear on my shoulders....:grumble: :grumble: