Help, Need encouragement from those who relapsed!

I started MFP in September of 2012 and dropped about 75 pounds in only 7 months. I didn't starve myself, and I honestly didn't eat all that good. I just watched my calorie intake and exercised on a daily basis. Once I hit my goal weight, I dropped my exercise down to every other day and increased my calories a little bit. I had a lot happen at the beginning of this year (including a trip to Greece), but I also experienced a lot of stress! I saw my weight go up by 5 pounds. No big deal, I thought, I'll just drop my calories back down and up my exercise. However, the weight didn't come off as easily as it did the first time. In fact, it didn't come off at all. I was still stressed so I ate too many calories and drank too much. I also had a trip to NYC and to Louisiana during the summer and indulged a lot! Now, I've gained about 30 pounds back of the weight I lost. I keep telling myself that If I did it before I can certainly do it again. But, I'm back to watching my calories and exercising every day and the scale is not really moving!

Has anyone experienced this before? What did you do to get yourself back on track??


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    A new exercise program or increasing the intensity of exercise or starting back exercising after time off can cause you to hold onto several pounds of water weight for muscle repair, so if you just started back, give it a few weeks to see results.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I could run 10 miles, Bike 40+, and used to encourage and motivate a lot of others here. Then I got divorced and everything just stopped. I don't know why I gave up, but it just stopped. I gained back every single bit of the 40+ lbs I had lost because I stalled at 250lbs for about 6 months. Nothing seemed to work (now I know better). I'm just getting back in the game, and my body is responding well to the exercise, but the biggest thing I focus on right now is my diet. I would eat 2500 calories at my peak, but now I've cut back to 1600 calories and learning how to suck it up, which hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Also, the scale is a liar. Track your body fat percentage if you can, as it will be a much more accurate indicator of your progress. In the end, the primary goal is to be healthy. Looking good is just an added side benefit. Good luck!
  • brusier3
    brusier3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have just joined as I have been on several different diets not mentioning no names. I got down to 10stone by last Christmas eve. And I now weigh 11.7stones and I am very disappointed in myself, but I know I can do it with a little moral support.
  • DoingTheNeedful
    DoingTheNeedful Posts: 23 Member
    We're in the same boat, kinda. I dropped a bunch of weight up to about the summer of 2012, using MFP and everything else, and then ... I'm not sure what happened! I've managed to gain all that weight back. I'm trying to re-establish the good habits that saw success back in 2011 and 2012, but it's not easy. I'm with ya, comrade.