The Last 10 Pounds

I've lost 64 lbs since 6/1/2010 and have 10 left to reach mt goal of 190 lbs. I've hit a plateau and have only
lost a 1/2 lb in the last 2 weeks. Having a cold and not being able to excersise much hasn't helped either. Any good suggestions for getting off those last 10 lbs?


  • SmellyMelly13
    I wish I could help, I've been struggling with the last 10-20 pounds for a few months now, and I find it beyond discouraging to keep at it when nothing is happening. I took a month long sanity break and now I'm back it, but I think the last ten pounds is just a ridiculously long and arduous process. If there is a way around it I haven't figured it out.

    But heres to continuing to try!