Need some results in 10 days - ready for everything!



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here:

    ETA: Just to note - these resources tend to also give referrals for those who might be having BDD related issues as well.
  • nutsnutsu
    Hi, guys! I need some help.
    My short story: I lost nearly 20 pounds in 8 months. I git flat stomach, thigh gap, etc. But this summer I went off track and gained a half of that weight. I don't look fat or so, but this extra fat on my waist, stomach and especially on thighs just pisses me off.
    I'm trying to get back on track, I train hard (doing Insanity + Jillian Michaels Body Revolution), trying to eat healthy but slip and fail every time.
    Now my weight is nearly 117lbs. I have 10 days until I go to the university and I need to lose some of this gained weight. The question is: is it possible to lose 1-2 inches in waist and especially thighs? I know that it's impossible to lose fat in particular area. But I want to look good and be closer to my best shape. What should I do for it? I'm ready to train like a beast (lol) but actually don't know how much I should work out without waist of time and how to eat: low calorie limit or what?
    Thanks for your attention. Hope to seek some advice!

    You mention that you're trying to eat healthy but slip and fail every time. I don't know what you consider eating healthy this time, but your post history suggests that in the past you've been undereating and trying to burn off everything you eat? You might want to take a step back and really focus on why you're having a hard time sticking to your diet. It's very common for people who push too hard or try to eat too little to have problems sticking to their routine. If this is going to be something long-term for you then it's a good idea to reevaluate your relationship with food and what's best for your body.

    I used to eat nearly 1000kcals per day and didn't even know that I was undereating. I was dropping weight, so I thought I was going the right way. I got used to eat particular meals - cottage cheese, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, turkey ham, low-fat yoghurt, lots of veggies, turkey breast, tilapia, some fruits. When I try to calculate my meal plan for a day - I can't even get 1000kcals and just have no idea what to add.
    I also gave up eating sweets and junk food at all, sometimes made 1 cheat day per week. I think this starvation is the main cause of present failures, unhealthy eating, binges, etc.
  • nutsnutsu
    Do your basic low carb diet....this gives a bonus loss of water weight at first. Any other kind of "fast" weight loss (as in very low calorie diet) are dangerous and promoting VLCD's here are against policy.

    Then exercise (strength train)....this is great for inches. Inches lost look every bit as good as pounds. Just try to get in shape the best you can.

    Just eat more protein? Ok. Weight training is not the problem. What do you think about body wraps? How does it affect the body?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Do your basic low carb diet....this gives a bonus loss of water weight at first. Any other kind of "fast" weight loss (as in very low calorie diet) are dangerous and promoting VLCD's here are against policy.

    Then exercise (strength train)....this is great for inches. Inches lost look every bit as good as pounds. Just try to get in shape the best you can.

    Just eat more protein? Ok. Weight training is not the problem. What do you think about body wraps? How does it affect the body?
    please, please pay attention to what the other folks are saying too.

    from everything you're saying now (and previous posts) you really sound like you're teetering on the very edge of an eating disorder.

    this isn't likely a weight issue. you just admitted that you have some serious self esteem issues.

    a crash diet so you can feel better in front of people at college isn't going to be a fix. Please check out the link that Pika gave you up there.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Start now - healthy eating, exercise - the works. And make it a lifetime commitment. Whatever weight you lose before school starts, that's great! With very little to lose, I don't think it'll be too noticeable. Good luck!
  • nutsnutsu
    Hi, guys! I need some help.
    My short story: I lost nearly 20 pounds in 8 months. I git flat stomach, thigh gap, etc. But this summer I went off track and gained a half of that weight. I don't look fat or so, but this extra fat on my waist, stomach and especially on thighs just pisses me off.
    I'm trying to get back on track, I train hard (doing Insanity + Jillian Michaels Body Revolution), trying to eat healthy but slip and fail every time.
    Now my weight is nearly 117lbs. I have 10 days until I go to the university and I need to lose some of this gained weight. The question is: is it possible to lose 1-2 inches in waist and especially thighs? I know that it's impossible to lose fat in particular area. But I want to look good and be closer to my best shape. What should I do for it? I'm ready to train like a beast (lol) but actually don't know how much I should work out without waist of time and how to eat: low calorie limit or what?
    Thanks for your attention. Hope to seek some advice!

    How tall are you?


    So you are 5'3 trying to get to 107lbs? Can I ask why? I'm not sure I understand about this best shape stuff, especially the whole thigh gap thing which is genetic unless you starve yourself to an unhealthy weight.

    There seems to be some issues going on that maybe you should focus on addressing first. Since you are going to university, you should be able to see about counseling there. Or maybe talk to your parents about it and see if they'll be able to find someone to talk with you.

    Actually, I don't really care about weight. I just have written it for the whole info. If I look great - no matter how much my weight is, right? I just can't stand the fat that I can see and touch and it's just like ewww.
    Parents say that I look more healthier and happier after gaining weight. They say that I shouldn't starve myself.
  • nutsnutsu
    I know it, of course, and I also think that weight loss is a long term process. But I need quick result just for now and then I will do everything slowly and step by step. I just wanna look good when I meet my future classmates, don't get me wrong.
    why don't you just start doing it right now?

    unless your future classmates are all armed with tape measures and scales, why does it matter?

    even if they were, why would it still matter...?

    edit: if you're really ready for everything, take all of the advice that tells you not to do some stupid crash diet to make some kind of first impression on people that aren't going to be able to visibly decide whether or not your waist is magically 1" or 2".. or.. gasp... 3" different.

    I try to do something everyday. Please, don't think about me as a lazy person who just read articles and can't do even a single push up.
    I could search for some extreme diets in the Internet, but I know that they won't work. I made this topic to get some info from real people with some experience.

    Actually, I know definitely that they won't even care about it. But I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I lost self confidence. I know that amount of fat doesn't determine me as a person, but I can't just leave the things the way they are.

    Anyway, thanks for the answer! :) I will try to accept my body the way it is.

    Loving yourself does not mean being complacent about your goals to look and feel your best. Keep training. No one is thinking that you are lazy at all. Training is the best way to boost your self confidence.

    The most important thing to remember is to smile. You're young and beautiful. Starting a new year at college should be about meeting all kinds of great people, learning who you are & deciding what you want your life to look like. Eat healthy and keep training. Focus on all of that and on having a great year.

    It sounds really inspirational. Thank you again!
  • fredriknetterman
    There is numerous of ways to lose a **** ton of weight in 1-2 weeks. But that will only help for the short duration. You will gain it all back when you get back an a healthy diet. And about the thigh gap thing. I'm a guy, when I look at a girl I don't go "Oh her thighs are touching/not touching" I'm more "There is a girl, she looks good", and I honestly think most guys are that way.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I promise a 10 lb difference if done with crash dieting or wicked huge amounts of cardio isn't going to do a darn thing, and 10lbs in 10 days for someone who isn't morbidly obese is probably a pipe dream.

    The body fluctuates upwards of 5lbs a day due to food intake and water -- that's why it won't be noticeable really.

    The key is eating a bit more, particularly protein, and lift a bunch of heavy stuff. It won't be fast, but it will be healthy and you'll end up in the body you want (and be able to keep it).

    If you crash dieted now you may drop a couple pounds but the chances of keeping it gone once you go back to "normal" are slim.

    Not to mention that at 161cm, the goal weight of 107 is about 2lbs away from underweight - that's dangerous water you're treading.
  • nutsnutsu
    I think you need to learn patience. In 10 days considering your weight now and the fact you are probably in a normal weight range you wont lose much. Don't give yourself arbitrary goals you may be far better off looking at exercise rather than weightloss to give you the 'look' you are after. That will also take some time and patience to. There are many people on the fitness boards who would be able to give great advice to you if you were to take that (the more sensible route)

    Good luck

    Thanks for advice! I agree with you. I have a lot of time to make flat tummy or so, but don't have enought patience. I just so obsessed with the idea of perfect body and this thing doesn't let me enjoy all the sides of my life. This really sucks.

    there is no perfect body and you're trying to lose weight to get to some magical number that you think will allow you perfection.

    this isn't a weight issue, and I would consider the option of finding someone to talk to. body dysmorphia and self image issues are legit.

    If you get to the point where you're obsession over perfection, take the time and find someone that you can talk to about it.

    The thing I care about - only INCHES, not LBS. I say it again, no matter what your weight is if you look great. I didn't weight myself when I was losing weight in the beginning of the year, just measured everything. And then did it just for interest.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Rather than trying to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, focus on creating a new healthy lifestyle that you can maintain when you go back to school. Map out a schedule, plan your workouts, meals, and when you will go grocery shopping. If you will have roommates ask them about their eating habits and if they want to eat healthy with you. Create a good diet to keep your energy levels even for studying. Use exercise to help you feel energized for studying. You are about to make a big change in your life when you go off to school, and that can often be stressful which can lead to weight gain. Be ahead to the curve and your peers by starting with a healthy lifestyle. Most people don't start working out until they've been in college for a few years and they've gained weight from partying. Start with your healthy habits now and you will be able to maintain a nice figure all throughout college :)
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Here's some information that might help

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:'re+new+here
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I think you need to learn patience. In 10 days considering your weight now and the fact you are probably in a normal weight range you wont lose much. Don't give yourself arbitrary goals you may be far better off looking at exercise rather than weightloss to give you the 'look' you are after. That will also take some time and patience to. There are many people on the fitness boards who would be able to give great advice to you if you were to take that (the more sensible route)

    Good luck

    Thanks for advice! I agree with you. I have a lot of time to make flat tummy or so, but don't have enought patience. I just so obsessed with the idea of perfect body and this thing doesn't let me enjoy all the sides of my life. This really sucks.

    there is no perfect body and you're trying to lose weight to get to some magical number that you think will allow you perfection.

    this isn't a weight issue, and I would consider the option of finding someone to talk to. body dysmorphia and self image issues are legit.

    If you get to the point where you're obsession over perfection, take the time and find someone that you can talk to about it.

    The thing I care about - only INCHES, not LBS. I say it again, no matter what your weight is if you look great. I didn't weight myself when I was losing weight in the beginning of the year, just measured everything. And then did it just for interest.
    okay, so you're obsessing over inches and tend to devalue yourself when you aren't within an inch range.

    it's the same issue, whether it's a scale or a tape measure.
  • rachlini
    rachlini Posts: 1 Member
    I never post on these boards, but I have 2 things that seem worth mentioning.

    1- I think you're stressed about starting school and displacing that by focusing on "needing" a thigh gap or flat stomach. Maybe you should get off MFP and instead start trying to make connections with people at your new school or get some closure in the relationships you're leaving behind.

    2- Keep talking about losing that amount, that quick while already in a healthy weight range and MFP will delete your account. Just a heads up. Although, maybe that would be good considering you have other stuff you need to focus on right now anyways.

    Either way, good luck.
  • nutsnutsu
    It seems like you guys all think about me as about a dumb, seriously. How will you feel when you lost the body that you felt comfortable in? Yes, I got it not by the most healthy way, but I got it and had a chance to control my meals, save the form and eat normally without gaining weight. But I binged a lot and ruined nearly a half of hard work. How will you feel after it? I try to look forward and not to think about past but it's really hard to accept the fail. I lost self confidence. If I even could drop these damn inches in this short term - I just would feel better psychologically.
    All these replies really make me sad. I think soon people will hate me because of constant complaining about weight and fat.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    It seems like you guys all think about me as about a dumb, seriously. How will you feel when you lost the body that you felt comfortable in? Yes, I got it not by the most healthy way, but I got it and had a chance to control my meals, save the form and eat normally without gaining weight. But I binged a lot and ruined nearly a half of hard work. How will you feel after it? I try to look forward and not to think about past but it's really hard to accept the fail. I lost self confidence. If I even could drop these damn inches in this short term - I just would feel better psychologically.
    All these replies really make me sad. I think soon people will hate me because of constant complaining about weight and fat.

    OP, you did ask for our advice. We gave it to you. If you don't appreciate advice, maybe you are in the wrong place. No one here is going to tell you a way to lose weight extremely fast because we all know it is not the right way. Do some research, take it slow, and focus on your mindset about weight loss.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    It seems like you guys all think about me as about a dumb, seriously. How will you feel when you lost the body that you felt comfortable in? Yes, I got it not by the most healthy way, but I got it and had a chance to control my meals, save the form and eat normally without gaining weight. But I binged a lot and ruined nearly a half of hard work. How will you feel after it? I try to look forward and not to think about past but it's really hard to accept the fail. I lost self confidence. If I even could drop these damn inches in this short term - I just would feel better psychologically.
    All these replies really make me sad. I think soon people will hate me because of constant complaining about weight and fat.

    I'm just going to leave this here:

    ETA: Just to note - these resources tend to also give referrals for those who might be having BDD related issues as well.

    If you want to feel better psychologically, then seek psychological help. You're associating success and beauty, and it sounds like self worth too... on a tape measure.

    you deserve better. Please, seek the help you need while you're still cognizant of these issues.

    You've already admitted to crash diets, binging, and effectively starving yourself to reach some form of perfection.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi, guys! I need some help.
    My short story: I lost nearly 20 pounds in 8 months. I git flat stomach, thigh gap, etc. But this summer I went off track and gained a half of that weight. I don't look fat or so, but this extra fat on my waist, stomach and especially on thighs just pisses me off.
    I'm trying to get back on track, I train hard (doing Insanity + Jillian Michaels Body Revolution), trying to eat healthy but slip and fail every time.
    Now my weight is nearly 117lbs. I have 10 days until I go to the university and I need to lose some of this gained weight. The question is: is it possible to lose 1-2 inches in waist and especially thighs? I know that it's impossible to lose fat in particular area. But I want to look good and be closer to my best shape. What should I do for it? I'm ready to train like a beast (lol) but actually don't know how much I should work out without waist of time and how to eat: low calorie limit or what?
    Thanks for your attention. Hope to seek some advice!
    Your goal is totally, utterly, and ridiculously unrealistic. Losing 10 pounds in 8 months is slower and more sustainable.

    By the way, it sounds like you do have some serious body image issues. Please listen yo those of us, including me, who advise you to seek help.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Start now - healthy eating, exercise - the works. And make it a lifetime commitment. Whatever weight you lose before school starts, that's great! With very little to lose, I don't think it'll be too noticeable. Good luck!

    This is kind of what I was going to say. College for me was a tough time - well, let's say it was a good time, but a tough time when it came to good habits. Maybe take the next 10 days to focus on doing the right things and start to form habits that you can take back to school with you.
  • Cheyenelikewyoming
    Cheyenelikewyoming Posts: 52 Member
    If you're going to college, everyone is going to have the struggle with weight anyway. Late night studying, snacks, eating out, ordering pizza. Don't pressure yourself to lose that much in just a little time. Focus on gaining some healthy habits now, and take them with you. When you get there, share your goals with your new friends and find a work out buddy!