Hello everyone!!

I'm new to MFP and would like to say hello! Also, who else have a problem with late night eating?? I know I do!! Lets talk and share some tips!! One thing that I'm trying to do is eat fruit and chew gum, LOL! Lets see if it works, LOL! How about you, what do you do??


    I feel your pain, OMG I work late an I seem to snack just to keep myself awake. I drink coffee a lot, I know that's not good for me but if I did not I would just be snacking on all kinds of food. I have lately been taking a small bag of popcorn, some fruits and veggies but sometimes I do want something sweet so I bring hard candy just to satisfy that sweet tooth. Feel free to friend me:smile:
  • 7QueenJ
    What I'm try to do is chew gum... lets see if that works, LOL!
  • 7QueenJ
    Oh and is pop-corn healthy?
  • kat1139
    kat1139 Posts: 13
    Hi 7QueenJ. My trick is to never let myself get hungry, that way I am not tempted to snack on 'naughty' things. I also brush my teeth soon after finishing dinner, the minty taste gets rid of any cravings I might have for sweets.
    Add me as a friend if you want and we can share more tips :)