Hi starting again

Hi well here I am again after losing 10 kilos two years ago I injured my shoulder and neck and then piled it all back on plus some I'm so mad at myself for giving up, but I'm putting it behind me and I'm determined to get it off and keep it off this time so to that end I am not going to go off MFP 1200 calories it had me on, I have upped it to 1500 as I want this to be a way of life not a diet.

If I over eat a bit that's ok I am not going to beat myself up over it this isn't a race, there is always tomorrow, though I am going to through in at least one fast day a week it just makes me feel better do that should take care of any over eating not that I think I will

I also am walking between 3.5-6.5 kms most days this is a fast walk just before jogging speed I would say I'm going to try and work upto running

I also I'm trying to do some strength training but I'm a bit lost here I only have dumbbells so any advice you could give me there would be great :)

Oh and I'm a mum to two beautiful kids and carer for my mum who has early onset dementia

I look forward to reading threads and being involved in this community :)
