Hip/Butt Size and Tips?

Okay, so I would like some input on butt/hip size, because lately I've just been so self-conscious about this that it's driving me insane :frown:
I'd also like to know others' measurements, because I've been researching average measurements, and it seems that mine is...well, let's just say unfavorable :embarassed:

I am a 5'6 (well, technically 5'5 10/12ths of an inch) 18 year old female, 124lbs, with measurements of 32-23.7-36.5(widest part; around hips is 31.5 or 32, I think. I have prominent hip bones, and I do karate so my thighs are more on the toned side, but I feel like my butt is just crazy huge; some of my friends even tease me about it. I've honestly tried everything: squats & exercises, low sugar & carb diet, and I don't consume a lot of fat (not over 30g a day, usually).
I'm joining the swim team in a week and I'm freaking out over this; is my butt really huge? Like, in a repulsing way?
I wear a size 3 in juniors, but in the mirror, seeing my butt stick out like that compared to the rest of my body is unsettling; am I just overreacting? Is there any way I can get it smaller, because I feel like I've already tried everything. :cry:


  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    1. Your measurements sound beautiful. If your friends tease you, they're jealous. Booties are very nice.
    2. Genetics play a big role in it, you could be predisposed to have beautiful full hips, there's nothing wrong with that
    3. Fat doesn't make you fat and personally, I think you need to add more. 30g of fat seems pitifully small. I eat close to 100g some days. It's good for hormone control and balance
    4. While carbs may cause minor water retention they are not the enemy. Unless you have a medical condition, there's no need to restrict them.

    What you may want to do is a body recomp and see if you like your shape more eating at maintenance or a slight surplus and doing heavy lifting (with a structured barbell routine like strong lifts 5x5, new rules of lifting for women, all pro).
  • megacoco
    megacoco Posts: 32
    I have a very similar shape to you, and same height - smaller on top, with a larger butt. When I was the same weight my measurements were very close to yours. Pear shaped. There's nothing wrong with carrying weight in your booty. Which is good, because you can only do so much against where genetics wants to put your body fat. I was self conscious for a while as well. Why couldn't I have nice big boobs instead?

    I thought of it like this: my butt is big not just from fat, but muscle. It helps me squat heavy, do the stair climber, and look ~awesome~ in yoga pants and other clothes. I still have my low days but for the most part I can appreciate how bootylicious I am.

    Some of your notions on diet are a bit off. Fat alone won't make you fat - just eat good fats, like in avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, etc. Same with carbs - sugar from fruit and not process foods, whole grains, etc.

    There is no such thing as "spot reducing" on your body. Prioritize health and love yourself first.

    I will second weight lifting - it will make your butt round, yes, but putting on muscle will give your body a different shape that you might like better.
  • ILuvIt78
    Hahahaha, I can't tell you my measurements, but I can tell you that the men I know and my BF all go on about how they LOVE round butts. I found that men and women prefer two different sizes when it comes to our booty. They like em full and round, we want them tiny.

    It's one of life's challenges. It sounds like you look very healthy/beautiful. Embrace the booty!!!
  • PeachyMango333
    PeachyMango333 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you both so much; that honestly makes me feel better and more self-confident! :happy:

    I'm not much of a "lifting" person, but trying it out won't hurt; heck, it may be better for me in the end; I'm just preoccupied with training for my black belt at the moment, but I will surely give it a go.

    As for fats, I should increase my intake, it's just that for a post-anorexic person, it's a bit difficult still, but I'm trying to load up on the healthy fats. For the carbs and sugars, I had a friend warn me that even from fruits, it's better to limit carbs to 150, so I took their advice (which was probably ludicrous of me).

    Megacoco, thanks for sharing your experiences; knowing that someone else has dealt with this situation makes me feel a ton of a lot better; and you're right, muscle could be the culprit rather than fat, and it does help carry out heavy deeds (and I remember when I lost my butt 2 years back, sitting on hard surfaces for over 30 minutes really hurt).

    Thanks for the encouragement and for opening my eyes. I hope to be gratuitous of my body as confident about my body as you two seem to be about yours! :smile:
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    No offence, but stop listening to daft teenage girls.
    Any adult knows that big butts are basically adored. How many other body parts get songs devoted to them? :laugh:
    I don't even think your bum is all that large, it's just that you have a very small waist so it looks big in comparison. Which is a great thing! Especially health wise. Check a hip-waist ratio calculator online.
    You have enviable measurements.

    I used to get made fun of for my rear as well (and it's almost 10 inches bigger than yours) but since growing up I've discovered through firsthand experience that it's popular XD
    Focus on being fit, not changing your shape.