Making it official

Hi everyone! So, if I post and formally introduce myself maybe I will stick with it this time :-) I'm Jen and according to my BMI, I am obese :-( I started a hair journey last August - no more relaxers. I am doing really well with this and there is no reason that I cannot have the same dedication in taking care of my body.

I have started so many times and something (any little thing) always takes away my focus. I am a single parent so there is a full day at work, I also do consulting outside of work, then home to help with homework, chores, etc. You all know the routine. I've also never wanted to go to a gym or workout alone, but none of my friends/family were supportive with that. So, now I have decided that enough is enough. I hate the words "diet" and "exercise" lol, so I am taking this very slowly. I don't want to feel like I'm restricted or punishing myself because I "can't" have something and I don't want being active to feel like a chore. I am just going to make better choices for food and get some type of physical activity in every day even if it is only for 15 minutes. Right now, I am loving our Wii. My best friend gave me WiiFit and Just Dance 2 for Christmas. I play the games with my son, so I get to spend quality time and get some activity in...yay!

I am setting small goals (5lbs at a time) and I have already achieved one! I hope this site and other tools will help to keep me motivated and provide some support.


  • lady_t
    lady_t Posts: 16
    Hi Jen, I'm Tonia! Welcome and let me congratulate you on getting started. The mere fact that you have made the decision to make a change and set small manageable goals for yourself will ultimately prove to be a huge success for you down the road. In my initial attempt to loose weight and become more healthy, I was able to drop 3 dress sizes. Over the past year, with the busyness of life I've managed to gain the weight back. I joined myfitnesspal because I realized the foods I ate were my real problem. So here I am starting again. Great goals, keep up the good work! I wish you much success in meeting your goals in the months to come.
  • SalsaFaye1983
    Hi Jen, what a fab way of looking at things - it is true, take things a day at a time and it should all fall into place! I know what you mean about being distracted. I have managed to stick to a diet and lost a lot of weight but since then I have crept up a little and although I am nowhere near my original start weight, I find it really hard to stick to a diet past a few weeks. I'm hoping now will be different - as you do.

    Wii Fit is excellent (I have it) and also perhaps as you get used to it, you might look at the EA Sports Active 2. I'm finding it fabulous, as I also HATE the thought of going to a gym in front of a lot of others. There are set workouts or you can create your own - which your son might enjoy too as there are Football / Soccer and also Basketball-style workouts. Take a look at it and see what you think. I might get the dance one myself too!

    I'll send you a friend request if you like - a bit of moral support (no doubt you will have many).

  • unckat09
    Hi Jen!!!!

    From one "natural" girl to another... welcome! I grew my relaxer out a few years ago, and it wasn't easy. I like that you are taking the same approach with exercise. I've never thought of it that way!

    I love love love yummy food, and I have found ways to make healthy meals (with the help of Hungry Girl and mama's old recipes). So, I think your philosophy is right on track. Good luck!:smile:
  • dtigger71
    You can do it Jen! :flowerforyou:
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    If you enjoy your Wii, check out the My Fitness Coach. Inexpensive compared to others and will give you a good workout.