Annoyed confused :-(

I'm so annoyed .... I got caught up in the obsessive cycle. I began readin how to get rid of big thighs and it totally turned me against lifting which I was really enjoying . I began restricting and fasting which has resulted in multiple binges ! Now I'm scared to lift as that book says it will make thighs bigger. I have 3 weeks till my holiday and feel out of shape and feel like it's too late to change now :-(
This book totally was against lifting and squats saying it will make pear shapes thighs bigger


  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Yes, well, it's just a book and you're not even saying who wrote it. If you like lifting, keep doing it until you see this unwanted body shape appear. Chances are you won't see it take form, so why not do what you like?
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    if it's really something you enjoy, then i would keep doing it, just maybe at lower intensity or less often? squats are a great exercise i think for any body shape, if you want to build and tone strong thighs and it also helps with your bum and lower abdomen as well. i think a lot may have to do with certain foods you do eat, but by no means is fasting gonna help! please don't do that. maybe look up exercises for your body shape/read up about it? if you're worried about the size of your thighs increasing, it will usually only be muscle building, but just do less strength training and more cardio, like running or jumping rope. you can even do yoga for toning and strength, alongside cardio. fasting/restricting can be very very unhealthy and lead to binges like you said, and set you up for disaster. hope you nip that habit in the butt before it worsens! best of luck
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm so annoyed .... I got caught up in the obsessive cycle. I began readin how to get rid of big thighs and it totally turned me against lifting which I was really enjoying . I began restricting and fasting which has resulted in multiple binges ! Now I'm scared to lift as that book says it will make thighs bigger. I have 3 weeks till my holiday and feel out of shape and feel like it's too late to change now :-(
    This book totally was against lifting and squats saying it will make pear shapes thighs bigger
    Have you got help with your obvious eating/ body image issues? If not I suggest talking to a medical professional. Good luck
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You're a female, you are not going to get bigger thighs from lifting if you're watching your calories.
  • clairemadeleine
    clairemadeleine Posts: 2 Member
    Women simply do not have the natural testosterone levels to build big chunky muscles.
    Lifting heavy weights makes a really positive impact upon the body, male or female; building lean muscle is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a healthy body. This is alongside cardio, of course, but weighlifting is really an excellent way to exercise, which a lot of women do seem to forget about! (I assume for the reasons you are worried about, in some cases.)
    I have read about (and personally experienced) situations where women who have turned to weight training find their dress size drops without dropping a significant amount of weight!
    Aside from anything else, if it's something you enjoy you really ought to keep it up. I absolutely LOVE weight lifting- I love that feeling of being strong. You shouldn't ever let some book or other tell dictate things like that to you. Just do what you enjoy and rest assured that you aren't going to look like the hulk anytime soon.

    Good luck :)
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Another pear shape here. Since I started lifting heavy weights (and calorie deficit) I've lost inches off my hips and thighs. The muscle I'm building has made my thighs look so much better (more shapely, plus less flubbery cellulite).

    I also worry sometimes about whether my thighs will start to look huge and muscley but I figure that step 1 is to get rid of the excess fat and make the muscle underneath look good. Lifting is the best way for me to achieve this. Once I get down to my target bodyfat % then I will reassess my exercise routine and whether I need to lay off the leg work. But at the moment my legs and thighs and *kitten* are looking better and better every day. So I will continue to lift heavier and heavier.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    I like pears, very tasty. :wink:
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I am a pear, my bottom half is several sizes bigger than my top half. I think if my thighs were a little bigger but strong and toned I would not mind. I am always a pear big or small. A strong fit pear is a good kind of pear to be. I would go back to doing what you felt good with and forget the book.