Desk job lbs

asti1 Posts: 1 Member
My first job was bussing once a week at a Greek restaurant when I was 13. Up until just recently all my jobs have been in the service industry .. Hostess, then server and bartender.
Guests would comment on how "in shape" I was and ask how I did it.. And I never really had an answer.
Recently I got a "big girl job" as we used to call it.
I got a job in sales that i imagined would be the stepping stone into my future career.
My new job was an inside sales position. At desk. All day.
I gained 15 lbs without even thinking about it. I tried to be health conscious from the start, packing veggies to snack on.. At my bar job I ate fries all the time because they were there. I never realized how much running/standing I did as a server/bartender until I had a sitting job.
Even going to the gym after work now could never amout to the cardio I used to get on a 8-10 hour bar shift.

I want to get back to the same weight/look but it seems ompossible


  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I have had desk jobs for the past 10 years and it is hard! There are exercises you can do at your desk:

    I also have a FitBit so that makes me get up and walk a bit more than I normally would. And if you get a lunch you can use half to eat and half to walk.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I know how you feel. I'm 27 years old and from the ages of 14 to 24 I worked in bars, as a housekeeper, care assistant, door to door sales rep full time or part time. I quit those when I was 24 and got a full time research (desk!) position and gained 20lbs in 2 years. I think it also had something to do with passing my driving test at 23 and therefore walking less and also moving house to where the supermarket was a bit further away.

    Anyway since April I've lost 11lbs through running, lifting weights, walking to the supermarket when I can and watching what I eat (for me that's swapping ice cream for frozen yoghurt, white bread for brown, smaller portions, fruit instead of chocolate - all that kind of stuff). It's not as easy as it was when I was more active in my job but not impossible! I feel really good now and I think my figure is actually looking better thanks to the better diet. I might have been active in my jobs back then but I was eating a sharing size garlic bread and dips for my lunch! :-/

    Hope that help :) You can do it!
  • Mpalamar
    Mpalamar Posts: 33 Member
    Having a desk job can definitely pack on pounds without realizing it. I know! If you have the luxury of getting a "sit-stand station" that enables you to raise / lower your desk - this will definitely help. I have a sit-stand station at work and I have also replaced my chair with a stability ball. Between the two, I now "sit" a total of 30 mins a day at my desk and I stand the rest of the time. This also allows for discreet exercises to be done. While standing you can do the "military march" which burns a nice amount for calories. With the stability ball (and 1 min of down time) you can easily do some crunches at your desk. The two combined not only help you to not gain "the desk job pounds" but also helps your posture and over all keeps you energized through-out the day.

    Hope that helps :)