First Week - Gained 2.4lbs?!

Hey all! I recently joined MFP with approximately 27lbs to lose. This is my first week of tracking my caloric/fat/carb/protein/sugar intake again in quite a while and I stayed on point through the week (exercised 6x for an hour, 2 days of strength training) and ate clean (lean protein/vegetables/fruit and a healthy carb in the morning - few pieces of wheat bread with reduced fat PB, etc.) … and GAINED 2.4 LBS THIS WEEK. WHAT?!?! It's hard not to be depressed about something like that - now with 29lbs to lose. Has anyone had the same experience? More importantly, did you break through it for successful weight loss? Feeling sad and a bit down today, especially after the hard work this week. I know I have a while to go - and this is a journey - but some motivation right now from those of you who have "been there" would sure help. Thanks!


  • thesmallestpineapple
    Do you have your profile set up correctly for your activity level? If you're set to 'active' but are really sedentary or lightly active you'd be given a higher calorie budget per day that may influence weight change.

    Are you using food scales and accurately logging everything that you eat?

    It does seem quite a lot to have gained. :s
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    Do you have your profile set up correctly for your activity level? If you're set to 'active' but are really sedentary or lightly active you'd be given a higher calorie budget per day that may influence weight change.

    Are you using food scales and accurately logging everything that you eat?

    It does seem quite a lot to have gained. :s

    This. If you set your activity level as active than you can't also subtract calories burned for being active.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    If you just began working out, especially lifting, it's more than likely water weight to repair your muscles. Keep at it, watch your logging, and it'll start to drop off.
  • FitCattitude
    FitCattitude Posts: 64 Member
    I'd also input your measurements, so you can get some good feedback each week from those, as, as well as needing to adjust to 'sedentary', your body shape could be changing and that would encourage you.

    I'd had my profile details set wrong at first, and feedback said I could eat about 1900 a day. When I adjusted things to the right details, it went down to 1600.

    Don't despair, as the reasons will come clear and the weight will start coming off. It's bound to be about finding the right amount of calories and building muscle while losing fat, so you have a higher metabolism. Building muscle might weigh heavier at the start, but it's speeding up your metabolism too, so that could well even out and then you start to see your weight dropping. I was told having a protein shake after workouts speeds up muscle repair and building, thus metabolism too, so that might be an idea also, especially if you're not hitting your protein target. If you are already hitting your protein target each day, I'd trust that the muscle/metabolism/adjusting profile will fix this. :smile:
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
  • katieabioty
    katieabioty Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the responses/motivation/support, all! Yes, I have my profile set up correctly (made sure I checked that last week) as I was getting set up on MFP. Right now I am at 1,200/cal day to lose 2lbs per week. I am 5'2" and work a fairly sedentary job (I'm an editor/desk job) but aim to work out 5-6 days a week/1hr or more (cardio) with 2 or 3x week (weight training). This week I put in 6 days of cardio and 2 sessions of weight training - so I am hoping that my body is just holding onto water as the muscles tear/repair and my body can finally start shedding some of the fat and water.

    I used to live in Washington, DC where I walked to and from work every day (45 mins each way) and that was a godsend for staying in shape. I now live in Europe (Stuttgart, Germany) for my job and with German food (delicious), the beer/wine (divine), and desk job - I gained 25lbs in 2 years! (UGH!!!) So, this is my effort to get back in shape and hold myself accountable for what I put in and put out (exercise). I have eliminated all alcohol from my diet and heavy starches … though it has only been a short 2 weeks since my "reboot decision" … I am in this for the long haul. 29lbs to go!