Second time around!

meljordan Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! This is my second time on MFP. I started using about a year ago to drop my left over baby weight from my first two kids but I didn't really get involved much with the community and discussions. I was about 10 weeks in and well on my way to my goal when my husband and I decided to have a third baby. So now I have three kids, I"m officially done having babies and I'm back on MFP to start over on the baby weight. I'm also in a weight loss competition at my office which helps me stay motivated during the day since I tend to be a snacker. With a 4-year old, 2-year old and 11-week old at home, the house can be a little crazy but I try to get in whatever exercise I can manage.

And that's me and why I'm here in a nutshell. Good luck to everybody else!


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Welcome aboard. Congrats on the new baby. You have a beautiful family. I have 5 kids. I laughed when you said you were trying to lose the baby fat then decided to have another baby. Sounds like me and my husband. Just decide one day to have another baby and 9 months later there it is. :smile:

    Best wishes to you!!!
  • sommer454
    sommer454 Posts: 13 Member
    This is my second time too...I fell off the wagon for about 3 months so I am back on and in need of support. If you support me I promise to support you...DEAL?
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