The Meal Challenge

So here I am, new to this and almost completed week 1. Now I am sitting here trying to plan my meals and create my grocery list. And I'm stuck... I don't want to keep eating the same thing everyday, eventually I will get bored of it and start looking at more unhealthy choices. I also want to cut my grocery bill in half, as it stands right now I usually spend about $500 a month for just me and my hubby!!!

So I decided to create for myself a project for today that will last me the next 12 weeks.

The Meal Challenge!!

As I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks in between, I need to come up with 10-15 different meals each for breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks! They need to be healthy but also cheap. These 30+ meals & 10+ snacks will be rotated on a weekly basis for the next 12 weeks. That with my regular work out routine (5 days a week) I am hoping to see not only a lighter amount on the scale, but savings in my wallet as well.

So, I need some help with this. What are your favorite meals and snacks that don't cost an arm and a leg, but are still very heathly ?

Thank you in advance to all who respond! :)


  • mojojorox
    mojojorox Posts: 24 Member
    For breakfasts I tend to have Ham and egg cups (like these except if im saving calories i use egg whites and season with pepper ) , porridge with honey and berries, pancakes or just some chopped fruit...I also went through a huge omelette phase a few weeks back...eggs are so good at keeping me full until lunch! I also eat loads and loads of mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and asparagus with any cooked type breakfasts I have.

    For lunch I tend to just have salads...the number of salads you can come up with is indefinite if you're adventurous about it. I also have a lot of mushroom soup and jacket potatoes with things such as tuna or chilli in. (If you have chilli the night before then you can just use leftovers and hence save money!

    For dinner my favourite low cal option is spinnach and ricotta canneloni with salad...the ones I have come in at under 300 kcal for a decent portion. You could also make some moussaka or lasagne or something...they're great as you can make a huge one yourself and make it a healthy version and then just keep it in the fridge and reheat when you want a portion of it. Another favourite of mine is fajitas...I use quorn in mine as it's cheaper than chicken and you can barely tell the difference with all the spices.

    All depends how much time you have to make food to be honest! I love cooking however a lot of the time I am rushed so just end up going for those low calorie ready meals that places have started doing!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I wish I could be of more help, but I'm pretty sure what's cheap here may not be cheap where you live (example: one small avocado goes for 5+ dollars while a 10 lb melon goes for less than a dollar)

    I found this list, hope it helps

    Here is another (stolen from maricash in another thread) - PDF version is free
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    I typically eat the same thing for breakfast every day ( turkey bacon, either eggs whites or a whole egg depending on my workout, slice of ezekial bread with 1 T almond butter and coffee). Lunch is generally leftovers or a giant salad with protein in it. I rotate my afternoon snacks. Sometimes a protein bar if I'm out and about, most often it's an apple with 2 T peanut butter, a cup of steel cut oats with half cup raspberries and half cup blueberries, and cottage cheese and sliced turkey if I need to up my protein. Dinner is where I mix it up. Every week we have something with pork (usually tenderloin), chicken breast, bone in chicken, ground meat, beef (like flank steak or regular steak), seafood of some type and generally one night out. I sit down with my cookbooks and my iPad and hit,, cooking, etc and search for the meat. I try one new thing a week and then have my staples that I rotate. I eat the same kind of meat different times during the month but not the same entree. I can't tell you how much I spend but I generally buy my fruit and meat from SAMs club unless the grocery store is having a good sale on something.
  • Mpalamar
    Mpalamar Posts: 33 Member
    Bumping for more ideas! :)
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    I posted this to another topic but I think it applies here as well.
    Egg whites
    In season fruits/ vegetables
    Plain yogurt in the large tub
    Ground chicken or cheaper lean cuts of meat like chicken thighs
    Frozen fruits and vegetables
    Skim milk or almond milk
    Protein powder
    Old fashioned Oats
    Brown rice
    Turkey bacon
    Peanut butter

    I eat a lot of the same foods over again like:

    Breakfast ( any one)
    Apple and banana and peanut butter


    Chicken with frozen veggies
    Ground chicken tacos
    Ground chicken chili
    Protein shake
    Homemade soup
    Turkey bacon blt

    Any of my breakfast options
    Hardboiled eggs
    Protein bars ( not cheap but you can make homemade ones for less)
    Cheese sticks
    Baby carrots
  • quzly
    quzly Posts: 78 Member
    If you have a Sprouts by you they have great deals on meat and produce. My favorite breakfast is this recipe and its worth the value.