I giving up vegan diet



  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    mainly eat pasta, bread, mock meats, not very much vegetables, rice & beans, hemp oil, cashews

    I found that this diet is not for me anymore, everything is just bland now :(

    I really want to see some muscle gains I'm fat with very little muscle, I take a serving of sun warrior protein blend for weights.

    I want to balance things out after 2 years vegan :)

    There is your issue then.
    You need to eat whole grains, wholemeal pasta and bread not white junk. Mock meats are a great source of protein so if you're eating a lot of them you're definitely not protein deficient.
    You need to eat a wide variety of vegetables, and rice and beans doesn't have to be bland and boring!
    Try a chickpea and spinach curry with brown rice, or basmati if you don't like brown rice.
    The only reason I see to adhere to a vegan diet is because of religious reasons or reasons of conscience (guilt about using animal products, etc).

    Animal meat and animal products provide a lot of nutrients and energy...and it is more difficult to get adequate protein without any animal products whatsoever.

    No it's really not. There are many great sources of protein that aren't animal derived. Anyone should be eating a well planned and balanced diet whether vegan or not. With not even careful planning it's easy to eat enough protein on a vegan diet. OP is eating mock meats, these have almost as much protein as meat. A sweet potato and bean curry with rice is over 20g of protein a serving, and the daily recommended amount is only roughly 40-50g depending on person and exercise levels.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    That's fine that you want to eat differently, but honestly.... it bothers me when people use the "I can't get enough protein" excuse for stopping being vegan/vegetarian. You totally can, you're choosing not to. Which is fine, but it then feeds the stereotype that vegans/vegetarians can't get protein. Just say you want to eat meat again!

    Indeed. I can get enough protein even on days when I eat far less calories than your average male needs, particularly an active male who hikes.

    I think somewhere OP said it was bland. And another post shows he was trying on a whim it but is over it. And that is fine, I'm not judging. What you eat is entirely between you and your own ethics. But damn it, if you're just tired of eating vegan and don't like to incorporate a lot of veggies in your diet anyway, please just say so. You don't have to defend your decision to anyone except yourself but don't spread misinformation.

    I feel that he is saying this does not work for him. This is his truth it does not need to be offensive to anyone if he cannot get enough protein everyone and their body is different. Some may be able to get the protein they need being vegan and some may not it is his truth your truth is yours and he has a right to state his opinion. As he clearly stated in his post I.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I've been vegan for two years now, more and more I only eat carbohydrates in my diet and I feel like going back to a regular balanced diet. It's hard for me to think about eating meat again, but I need lots of protein and nutrients, and this week I went on a trail and I got winded halfway up almost passed out on the top!. My energy is at an all time low and my weight is rising which is not like me at all..

    I feel like I lost myself by being vegan :(
    I've been a Vegan for 15 years never had any problems getting protein or a balanced diet. In fact it's pretty difficult not to get enough protein. If you want to stop being a Vegan that's your choice but don't blame the diet there is no reason why a Vegan diet is not balanced other than your own choices. It's pretty easy in reality to have a balanced Vegan diet it's your choice to make it difficult
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Then go for it. If you find it's not for you… then go for it… switch up your diet. There are plenty of ways to eat healthy and lose weight. No need to stick to a diet that you aren't happy with. Find one that fits your lifestyle, your food preferences, your personality and even morals, and one that you feel like you can stick with long term.
  • KaleDOG
    KaleDOG Posts: 37
    Funny thing is 2 years as a vegan made me learn so many new things to cook at home, I had a small bowl of honey bunches of oats felt great weirdly, will go try vegetable omelette tomorrow when we get eggs.
  • KaleDOG
    KaleDOG Posts: 37
    OP, you look like you need a bit of meat on your bones. Seriously.

    And you're getting winded and almost fainting in response to some hiking at the age of 21?

    If ethical reasons don't hinder you and you're serious about eating animal protein again, then:

    1) Go with a foot long meatball sub.

    2) Every day.

    3) For a year.

    4) And enjoy the feel and the look of being a healthy, strong early 20 something year old man again. :drinker:

    I've always struggled with putting on muscle my entire life, I am putting lots of effort into it more than ever now!
    I have a small stomach so I wouldn't be able to cram a foot long sub :)
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    OP, you look like you need a bit of meat on your bones. Seriously.

    And you're getting winded and almost fainting in response to some hiking at the age of 21?

    If ethical reasons don't hinder you and you're serious about eating animal protein again, then:

    1) Go with a foot long meatball sub.

    2) Every day.

    3) For a year.

    4) And enjoy the feel and the look of being a healthy, strong early 20 something year old man again. :drinker:

    I've always struggled with putting on muscle my entire life, I am putting lots of effort into it more than ever now!
    I have a small stomach so I wouldn't be able to cram a foot long sub :)

    Sounds like you need to stretch out your stomach then. The only way you're going to build some muscle is to eat a calorie surplus and lift the *kitten* out of everything.

    Eat up my friend. Whether it's vegan, paleo, vegetarian, regular food, whatever. But you need to get your protein in some way or another.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    If you do go back to eating meat you might want to build it up slowly... I was veggie for 10 years then gave up when free range came more easily available (& met my husband). I couldn't be doing with cooking separate meals, but as soon as started eating meat got bad stomach pains.

    Thankfully it went away but stomach was rebelling for a good few weeks!

    I'm always on the verge of going back but love chicken and ham!!