eating mcdonald s sundae at midnight

eating late night when do you log cals any suggestions


  • Dourpussdora
    Dourpussdora Posts: 48 Member
    if its before midnight log for that day or if its after midnight the next day, that's what I do :-)
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I would log it the day before if I had extra calories. If not, then I'd count it towards the new day.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I think it's easier to do wake-to-sleep. When I worked nights and kept a log, I'd start with whatever time I got up and stop with when I went to bed (e.g. 5p to 10a.)

    It really doesn't matter, though. Do what you want!
  • princessinnocentknickers
    whatever makes me feel better about myself for eating a sundae at midnight, it doesn't matter.
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    I log from 6am-6am. When I started I found that I was waiting until past midnight to eat something I really didn't need and then eating less the next day to compensate. So, if I count late night snacks as the day before I don't do this anymore (well, I don't overcompensate the day after now!)
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    It doesn't really matter. I mean, your body doesn't have some magic internal clock that switches over at a certain time of night. You're going for a calorie deficit over time, and that can be over a day, or a week, a month, or a year. We tend to log in days because it's easier to measure in smaller units of time. If it fits better in one day than another... put it there!
  • btoff52
    btoff52 Posts: 27 Member
    Having trouble eating late at night any suggestions
  • teabee17587
    dont let mfp routine control your life, i think you shouldn't log it the next day and that you should make it a evening snack but just don't make a habbit of it and also if you havent got a early start that moreing after staying up so late! lol
    dont wake up early just for breakfast
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Having trouble eating late at night any suggestions

    I find that I want to snack at night when I am just up for no reason. I will generally include any snack I think I may eat in my log at the beginning of the day--for me it is usually ice cream and a cup of tea with milk & sweetener. If I want to continue eating after that it's usually boredom eating & I just go to bed instead. Just plan out your calories at the beginning of the day & include EVERYTHING. That way you still get a treat & stay on track. I know that realistically I will eat something sweet in the evening because I like it, so I make sure everything I eat through the day lets me do that.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    See what your weekly count is like and go off of that, then it doesn't matter.

    /end thread
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I just follow the clock. Midnight = 12:00 a.m. = first minute of the new day. Therefore, I'd log it on the new day.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Having trouble eating late at night any suggestions
    Save some calories for late night eating.

    Rid the house of late night temptations.

    Find a low cal treat for late night needs.

    At night is often the hardest time. It takes practice. It gets easier.

    If some veggies and lean protein don't sound good, it's not really hunger, it's something else. And if it is hunger, if it's mild, save it for breakfast. We're designed to do that.

    Good luck!