
SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
I keep seeing this happen at my gym and I can't get my brain around how someone would ever do this. My gym is weird. There is no locker room. All the lockers are out on the floor and they have tiny changing booths. What's worse, there is no water fountain. Yes, that's right. No water fountain. Because they want to sell you bottled water or some sports drink. Being a rational human I bring a large 1.5L bottle of water with me. If I forget it, I will go downstairs to the grocery and purchase a large bottle of water. What I see happening EVERY DAY in there is people bringing these tiny little bottles of water, like maybe 333ml or whatever, and then filling them up in the bathroom sink. The bathroom sink which is literally 3 feet from a urinal on one side ( no partition ) and 3 feet from a stall on the other. I can't process this. I have literally stood there, taking a piss, and watched someone fill up a water bottle from a sink that I could turn and piss into. I've seen people fill up water bottles will someone takes a loud dump 3 feet away from them. I'm not a germaphobe by any stretch, but this freaks me the **** out. Who does this???? And when I ask why they don't just bring a bigger bottle they say it's because they don't want to have to carry it around. What??? I would drag around a bucket of water attached to my testicles before I drank from that sink. Is it just me? Does this happen at your gym as well?


  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    dude. you need a new gym. If there isn't a better gym around, open one and take all the business. Your current gym stinks!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    just break up
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Welp. When you put it that way.:sick:
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    This makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit, :sick: I hate public restrooms, I really do, when I absolutely must use one, I use it (hovering) flush with my foot, turn around as fast as I can holding my breath, get out of the stall a.s.a.p. and wash the hell out of my hands then use a paper towel to open the door.
    (do I have issues):indifferent:

    If I went to a gym, I would bring my own giant bottle, and if I ran out, I'd do the same as you.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    You know me... I'm sitting trapped on a plane and I need Lysol wipes for my seat. So grossed out.
    You should come to my gym. It's not too far away. There are change rooms and separate washrooms and showers AND a water fountain away from the toilets for filling water bottles.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.
    I completely missed that. Very clever OP.
    Humble pee pee brag.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    It's like at my old job, there was no sink on our floor so instead of going alllll the way to the kitchen, the lazy souls used to go and wash their mugs in the bathroom!? And some people would leave mugs by the sink to dry... in the ladies toilet. Urgh. I wouldn't even take my mug through the door, I left it on the radiator outside.

    I mean... it's not going to kill you or anything... but just... ew. I'd find a new gym too!
  • nikiste
    nikiste Posts: 861 Member
    You really do need a new gym. The layout sounds like a damn mess.
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    Yeah no.

    They've done studies on particles that spray from the flushing of toilets. No.No. No.I'd suffer dehydration first.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.
    I completely missed that. Very clever OP.
    Humble pee pee brag.

    Guys can pee further than 3 feet.
  • alipene
    alipene Posts: 945 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.
    I completely missed that. Very clever OP.
    Humble pee pee brag.

    Guys can pee further than 3 feet.

    So can ladies if they stand on the seat
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.
    I completely missed that. Very clever OP.
    Humble pee pee brag.

    Guys can pee further than 3 feet.

    So can ladies if they stand on the seat

  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    You need a bigger hose than what you're equipped with to pee into a sink 3 feet from you.

    yeah. got it :)
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member

    Not that bad, I would drink out of that sink.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I too am a germ o phobe and i hate to be the one to sat it but....
    First world problems.
    So many people dont get the option of clean bottled water.
    Besides, Filling up from those sinks ( bad as it is ) is probably more hygenic than alot of other things. Eg plucked chicken.
  • Sleevarilla
    Sleevarilla Posts: 27 Member
    You act like piss is the worst thing you've ever drunk, Giff.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I was bursting for a pee but my wife was on the toilet, so I took aim and went into the sink.

    "That's disgusting," she snapped. "You've dribbled all over the floor. If you were that desperate you could've at least done it in the shower."

    "Why would that have been any better?" I asked.

    "Because you're already in the shower!"