HELP!! Need some one to look at my diary.

helma62 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am not losing after 3 weeks. I would like someone to be my friend. And look at my food diary and see what is wrong. I am also following weight watchers plus program. I exercise 5-6 days a week, mostly 1 hour of cardio.


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Happy to look for you. Sending you a friend request now.
  • I went in to take a look but do you have your settings so its not visable to everyone?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You diary is not public. Are you eating the extra calories you earn through exercise? If not that could be the issue, try eating at least half of them and see how it works after a few weeks.
  • CHUBBY76
    CHUBBY76 Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me. Chubby76
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Word of advice : Choose either WW or calorie counting because they don't go together... This might be why you're not losing. If you're restricting based on calories and essentially NOT eating the points you're suppose to - you may not lose. I know A LOT of people who started the NEW WW program and are losing, even after week 1. Stick with one... It will be simpler.
  • You may want to read up on stress and weight loss. Key word cortisol. This will blow your mind. GOOD LUCK and hang in there! =)
  • kariekristine
    kariekristine Posts: 1 Member
    My post this morning was going to be almost identical to yours! I have been busting it for almost 3 weeks and have seen no weight loss. To say I'm discouraged would not scratch the surface of how I feel this morning.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Just looked at your diary and I think you are eating too few calories. I just looked at the last couple weeks but you are consistently under 1000 calories and day and that is not healthy. I believe they suggest a minimum of 1200 calories per day for women and based on what you logged, you aren't close.

    Your body may be going into starvation mode and causing you to maintain instead of lose weight. If you are satisfied with the amount of food you eat each day and don't feel hungry, I would try adding a small snack each day to increase your caloric intake closer to the 1200 minimum. Maybe some peanut butter that you could eat a small amount of but add some good calories and protein.

    Also, nuts or other high fiber, whole grain snacks would be a good addition to ensure you are getting good calories into your daily routine.

    Hope this helps!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I agree with Katy, you are eating too few calories. Your body needs a minimum just to survive and if you aren't meeting those in any given 24 hour period then it will store fat in survival mode. I also agree with the post either count calories or do WW points, they aren't exactly the same. Either way, you need to up your caloric intake, especially when you exercise!
  • helma62
    helma62 Posts: 24 Member
    thanks, I am going to try to eat some of my exercise calories. I think I eat a well balanced diet. I can't eat to many fruits and vegetables. I am also going to try not to do weight watchers for the week. We'll see what happens this week.
  • helma62
    helma62 Posts: 24 Member
    I made my diary public. Thanks for your imput.
  • angeemantell
    angeemantell Posts: 11 Member
    Just saw your post. I had that problem when I 1st started weight watchers. You automatically think that you should eat less to loose more, but you have to eat all your points and eat often (5 small meals every 2-3 hours) or you wont loose. Once I did it, the 1st couple of days I was like I am not hungry so why should I eat. By day 3 my metabolism went thru the roof and by the 2nd hour I was STARVING. Also make sure you are snacking on fruit and veggies or a protein shake. Dont eat junk to fill your point needs. You will see a huge difference!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Chin up, Just make sure you are exercising regularly, eating enough, WW or calorie counting and you'll be fine. Also, don't forget to eat your exercise calories.
    I heard Jillian Michaels day, "You didn't put the weight on or look this way overnight. Why do you expect to loose it overnight? It's going to take some time and hard work." Good luck!
  • helma62
    helma62 Posts: 24 Member
    ok, guys. I change my settings yesterday. I deleted a snack, so I can show only one. It deleted all my dinners. I am not going as low as 700-800 calories. I have been staying around 1100-1200. But exercising 300-450 calories a day. so, now do I just do weight watchers. or this program.
  • KaseyStar12
    KaseyStar12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm Kasey. I did weight watchers for a few years - its a great program. You said you usually do the cardio for your exercise... Maybe you would want to change it up a bit. Include some different activities. Just basing on what you say here, I'm guessing your on a plateau.
  • Trafty024
    Trafty024 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm interested in why you say you can't eat too many fruits and veggies? Looking at the last week of your diary you had 5 total in one week ...several days without any fruits or veggies tracked. I personally think you need more of them worked into your diet.
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    i will help you; i am a trainer
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    I think you are having ALOT of sodium in your diet which can cause fluid retention. YOu will still lose weight it just will not show up on the scale; then you will get on and see a 3 pound weight loss just like that! FRUSTRATING. Also there is no fiber content on your diary. Maybe you can try to add it. If you get less the recommended 20-35 grams a day that can be an issue too. It is not easy to get more than 15 grams a day and I eat a ton of veggies but try to stay away from calorie packed grains which do have the most fiber we need.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I think your numbers don't look shabby when I compare them to mine....however, you don't get a lot of protein. for myself, I keep my carbs under 100 (which are not too far from) and my protein at least 125. Try adding some extra lean ground turkey to your soups, etc.
  • helma62
    helma62 Posts: 24 Member
    I can't eat a lot of fruit vegetables and fiber. I have bathroom issues. The more fiber I eat the more bloated I get. I think I might of solved a little problem. I eat a full dinner, then go to the gym 1/2 hour later to for 1 hour. I am probably burning my dinner calories, not fat calories. I think I should eat dinner for lunch and a light snack before the gym.
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