weight loss plateau

i started working out July 1st and weighed 250. my goal was to get down to 200.
everything was going good until about 4 weeks ago when i hit 222 pounds and the weight loss just stopped.
i would do intermittent fasting everyday eating from only 12pm to 5pm and it seemed to help lose the weight but not so much anymore as i can not get under 222 no matter what i do. i tried doing low carb 2 days a week but it did absolutely nothing to help. i work out 6 days a week and have one cheat meal a week, not cheat day. i run, lift, and do a lot of kettlebell workouts. i really push myself in my work outs sometimes even workout 2 times a day but still no weight loss for the last 4 weeks.
its getting frustrating seeing the same number on the scale every time i check. sometimes it will get down to 219 but once i eat (healthy food that is) it goes right back up and stays there. i dont eat anything bad at all, and take in about 1700 calories a day and make sure i never go over my calories or macros.
i pretty much have lost all motivation and im ready to give up. i find my self eating like i used to before i started working out the last couple of days.
any advice?


  • markjacobs1987
    markjacobs1987 Posts: 162 Member
    1700 calories is really low for a male and you more than likely have metabolic damage. You are going to need to reverse diet and slowly build your metabolism back up if you want to lose the weight. It's a long process but it works. Slowly add calories back into your diet at about 100-200 every 2-3 weeks until you can build up to a point where you should be. I would like to see you eventually get to around 2400 calories and then work from there.

    Check out this video on reverse dieting and ask me any questions you have after you finish it

  • p33dro
    p33dro Posts: 8
    2400 calories seems a bitt much dont you think
  • p33dro
    p33dro Posts: 8
    i actually started off at 2000 calories
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    - Calculate TDEE
    - Subtract 200-600 kcal from TDEE
    - Eat only allotted calories paying careful attention to MICROnutrients (fruits, vegetables, etc)
    - drink lots of water
    - Stay consistent.

    You WILL lose weight this way. Recalculate TDEE every 5-10 lbs lost.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Opening your diary would help people give your more informed advice.
  • p33dro
    p33dro Posts: 8
    its no longer private, but i have not put anything for a couple days cuz i been eating whatever i want.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    its no longer private, but i have not put anything for a couple days cuz i been eating whatever i want.

    It's still private but the last couple of days don't matter, it's the last month I'm curious about and what methods you use to log.
  • p33dro
    p33dro Posts: 8
    it was my profile i made public lol. diary should be open now.