Anyone have a Bowflex Max Trainer

The wife and I have had a treadmill for the past couple of years. I have gotten more than enough use out of it and the wife couldn't really care about it. We are looking for something a little easier on the joints so we started looking at elliptical's and I stumbled across the Max Trainer. We've never had anything Bowflex so I had a couple of questions.

1. Is it well made, quality equipment?
2. Is it the same thing as an elliptical? Meaning that you can use it like an elliptical for longer than the 14 minutes they tout if you aren't going to do their regiment.
3. Anyone have one? What's your opinion?

She is starting with very little exercise over the past couple of years so she is basically starting from scratch. I workout a couple of times a week with weights and walk 3 - 5 miles most days.



  • rocker164
    rocker164 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a Max Trainer M5 and I'm very happy with it. Obviously I haven't had it very long, since it hasn't been out very long, but I've been using it about 3 times a week and it's a great workout. Like you, I wanted something a bit easier on the joints and and stationary bikes really bore me (actually I find all cardio boring). I own several pieces of Bowflex equipment and I do believe they make high quality equipment for the home.

    To answer the rest of your questions:

    It is essentially the same thing as an elliptical and you can make your own workouts and use it longer than the pre-programed 14 minutes they tout. However, the 14 minute program Bowflex talks about in the ads is pretty kick-*kitten* and I get off the machine after 14 minutes with a hell of a sweat worked up and a high heart rate.

    Overall, I'm pretty sold on Bowflex. I think they make a high quality product for home fitness. It is a bit pricey and you can find less expensive equipment, but I strongly recommend you buy the best piece of equipment you can afford. There's nothing worse than working out on a cheap piece of equipment and you won't want to continue to use it if you don't like the machine.

    Good luck . Let me know if you have other questions.
  • Janiz98
    Janiz98 Posts: 1 Member
    I just got the M5 Max Trainer. I love it. It is similar to riding a bike standing up while going uphill. With each workout I feel like I have accomplished something. Granted - the duration won't be very long starting out but the machine will help to build endurance. It helps to read the reviews and see marathon runners and fitness buffs all having the same reaction to this machine. It kicks your butt but in a good way - in a way that makes you want to attack it again the next day. Also, my experience has been that I'm not too sore to try it every day.

    Syncing to my google phone is really nice (it syncs once the workout is complete and the machine has reset) - if I can get it to go to fitness pal automatically that will be divine :) Right now it looks like it does some weird route through Schwinn connect / Bowflex connect as a workaround. The app is still pretty immature so I'm just happy that it moves the info from the machine to the phone. It's frustrating to finish a workout, have the machine you're on flash the calorie count for three seconds and if you didn't remember it then you're out of luck. Using the app with the M5 solves that issue for me.

    I'd rather have it kick my butt for 14 minutes than plod away for an hour and a half on a treadmill. Easier to fit into the daily schedule as well. Also, it's smaller than a typical treadmill or elliptical which is always a positive.
  • JediCowgirl
    JediCowgirl Posts: 3 Member
    Yes - I bought an M3 - its great!
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    Just ordered the m3 is everyone still liking/using theirs? How do people find the calorie burn?