Hey there,:wink:

I am a mom of 2 kids; 2 and 5 years-old (boy and girl), and also a medical student. Being a mom, wife and student doesn't make my life easy but sure is very busy and interesting :wink: I got so many goals to accomplish and one of them is to shape up. I have been dragging this goal for years but I still don't give up on it :ohwell:

So I decided to finally work hard to reach this goal, I know it's going to be super hard but if we don't take control of our lifes, who will? Beside all the benefits that bring to our body if we are in shape, I can't wait to be able to feel good in my own skin.
I really had enough, it's time to change this :sad:

Anybody in?

I have 40Lbs to lose, not an easy target but not impossible either. I am planning to use this program I saw on tv called the 21 day fix. The thing I like the most is that the food really look yummy, easy to make and the 30min workout, come on, who doesn't have 30min a day? This will be my plan but whatever our plan is, we just need to stick to our Plan. A strict diet is not for me and killing workouts like P90, not for me :noway:
I need to start easy and we'll see where do I get from here.

I hope to have some pals around.
Starting Weight: 155Lbs
Intermediate Goal Weight: 130Lbs
Final Goal Dream Weight: 110Lbs

[img] Figuras/shapeup.jpg[/img]


  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    I'm currently doing the 21 day fix. As a beginner, some of Autumn's work outs are NO JOKE. Either way, good luck! 40 lbs sounds like a lot, but you can do it :)
  • Charityn12
    Charityn12 Posts: 268
    Okay, I am back... kind of :wink:
    Let's start this over :blushing:

    I have a problem on my back for years, I just realized this is really slowing me down, wonder why I was running away from workouts :mad: I need some experts on this, hopefully with God's help I can be soon out of this chronic pain.
    But that doesn't stop me from planning and following a healthy menu plan. I want to lose weight and sure eating less will help with that, less quantity more quality, sounds easy but I just had Italian beef and sausage sandwich for dinner :mad: Oh Boy!!! I have to tune my hubby into this or I wont get anywhere :yawn:

    Let's load some energy and start afresh from Monday Aug 18.
    [img] Figuras/hotmomBB1.jpg[/img]
  • babyphat2012
    babyphat2012 Posts: 36 Member
    add me i love to moivate and support. Im a mom of a 2 year old and I know the struggle of trying to lose weight and being a mom. I wold love to motivte you
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    :flowerforyou: You can do this.

    I'm a mom of a 2yr old and a 2 month old. I started working on my weight after my 2yr old son was born. I managed to get down to 170lbs last year before finding out I was pregnant with little boy #2. I think that's about enough of a background for this post. If you want to know more:
    Deciding to Change
    87 Days of Using MFP (Progress Thread)
    191 Days of Using MFP (Progress Thread)

    As for what I'm doing -

    As far as food is concerned, I'm not strict. I weigh my food that I eat at home to make sure I'm logging the correct portion sizes. I focus on protein and fats, because they keep me feeling full longer than carbs do. Now my diet isn't low carb by any means, but I just have to make sure that I don't over do it on the carbs (or I end up starving all day). Overall though, my main focus is to try to eat at my calorie goal, but it's cool if I don't (as long as I don't go over maintenance). Oh and I eat my exercise calories back. My break down for that is:
    - Fitbit Adjustment : I eat 100% of it.
    included in this adjustment are:
    HRM Calories Burns: I only log 75-80% on fitbit's site
    MFP/Fitbit/Machine estimated burns: I only log 50-75% on fitbit's site

    My fitbit is what helps me determine how many total calories I burn in a day. It is linked with MFP and transfers over calorie burn data (when it's working correctly...for some reason the sites have been having communication issues since last year). the moment none. I wasn't given the "Ok" to work out until roughly 5 weeks ago (c-section recovery). I did attempt to start working out, but it didn't go well. Let's just say not having a sport's bra in the correct size is rather painful. Last year I was doubling up bra's that didn't fit to hold them in place (bra's in my size are expensive) and it worked up until some of them ripped, leaving me with one bra. :embarassed: Anyway, I found some on sale on Amazon (:bigsmile: ) and just got my order last week. Wearing the correct size sure makes a huge difference in looks and comfort. I plan to get back to working out soon. I think I'm going to start the following:
    - Zombies, Run! 5k Training (best motivation to run is when I feel like I'm being chased by zombies:laugh: ) *
    - Rockin' Body DVD
    - 2-5 mile walks *
    - The Butt Bible (on youtube)

    * Walks and Runs are going to be difficult, since I can only do them when my husband is home to either watch the boys or come with. I need to get a double stroller so that I can do the walks at least when ever I feel up to it.

    I currently have about 14lbs to go until I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. After that, I have about 40lbs until I'm around where I want to be weight wise. :drinker:
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    have you been logging since July 5th? As a fellow-busymom, looking back, that should have been my first step.
    I started (again), 21st of July, dived in headfirst, as usual: with gruelling workouts every day, and a 100% healthy mealplan. I lasted 2 weeks, as usual.
    Still, I stuck to the logging. Now I am going to slowly work towards that ideal lifestyle.
    I should have done the following, just to be able to keep up with it, and fit it into my own life:

    First step: learn to log, find out how much you actually eat, and try to stay within your daily calorie-budget. (It is a wallet, if it's empty, time to call it a day)
    Second step: learn to eat healthier. In chosing your food, you will find out that healthier food choices give you more value for money (calorie-wise). In my case: I know how to diet hard, but always return to my old eating habits. I guess amending them, in stead of replacing them, might be the way to go.
    Third step: Introduce some form of movement. At your own pace, something that will last. In my case: my husband is a very fit and sporty person, I am a couch potato at heart. Walking and riding my stationary bike will be a start. And when the gym reopens on Monday, I will go back for the milon circle, and maybe go twice a week in stead of twice a month. Perhaps I will even listen to their advice this time, and actually focus on the workout, in stead of chatting with my friend. Who knows? I might just do that...

    So, that is my plan for now. Further steps to be introduced in 2015. Probably this will be reading and perhaps applying the sexypants thread. Who knows?
  • Charityn12
    Charityn12 Posts: 268
    Thank you Ladies :heart:

    All your tips and motivation are welcome :wink:
    I have a trip in 5 weeks, so I was thinking about some program that we can really see results, I decided to follow this program

    [img] A FITNESS 2014/The21DayFix-570x570_zps0ae3eff7.png[/img]
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I have two kids. A 3 year old and a 1 year old. I'm 5'3.5" and started at 170 lbs June of last year. I'm currently 120 lbs. Just moderate deficit, fitting foods in I enjoy while learning to balance my nutrient intake and falling in love with weightlifting. Best advice is to log 100%, never give up, and lose weight at a steady pace, teaching yourself lifelong habits ;) a good read to get you started: