Getting started for the 100th time... support please!

I am 23 years old, 156 pounds and I would really like to lose about 25... I am tired of losing and gaining back the same weight all the time! Support please.!


  • credilla
    credilla Posts: 10
  • You'll nail it. One of my favorite activities to burn is sprints. Light it up.
  • jennlemon
    jennlemon Posts: 4 Member
    I'm about in the same boat! after working 40+ hours a week on my feet and wrangling my 2 toddlers- i'm pooped but baby fat doesn't disappear by itself! we just gotta suck it up and go forward- i've found a youtube channel that i love and i can do for the most part. fitness blender! it's awesome!
  • Are you looking for FRs or a different kind of support? Feel free to friend me.
  • credilla
    credilla Posts: 10
    Are you looking for FRs or a different kind of support? Feel free to friend me.

    A friend's support is great! I will send you one. I've just been losing and gaining all the time and Im tired.
  • I am in the same situation. I decided to get back on track today. My current weight is 158 pounds and I want to get down to 125. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I already shredded 20 pounds, I am gainin 40 pounds back.

    Be strong, Get stronger ????
  • In the same boat, gonna add you maybe we can get a group going or something. Maybe accountability will help! :D
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    I just started back AGAIN 10 days ago. I've been up and down too many times to count. I could really use the support too even though I'm an older lady ;) 45. I'm starting at 171 and want to get down to 135. Add me, I'm trying to log on every day so we can shoot each other notes! :tongue:
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    We can all do this is we work as a team