chicken tight (99 g)

Sorry i am confused, because I find different pics for the same ecpression!
Is chichen tight this:


or this:

If the first one, are 2 of them 99 g or just one?

many thanks!


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You weigh it... the scale tells you the weight. :noway:
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    The first two pictures are chicken thighs.

    The last picture is a chicken leg, which includes both the thigh and the drumstick.

    Each thigh will weigh a different amount depending on how big the bird was that it came from.
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    the first picture is the thigh
    the second picture is of a whole leg which includes a thigh and drumstick.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    OK, so we can say, in the whole leg, if not the biggest one, we have cca 100 mg, right?;)

    THANKS!!! (p.s. sry, I am not english!)
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    To get an average size for poultry pieces, you can use the USDA food database. They list raw chicken legs with meat and skin here:

    According to them a whole leg, with skin and bone, weighs about 344g.

    Their chicken thigh info is here:

    If you want to look up other items, go to one of those pages and click "Food Search", then type what you are looking for. It might not have some European ingredients though, and as far as I know it is only in English.

    P.S. Because of thread title here is chicken tight!

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You should weigh the thigh before cooking to be sure, as not all of them are the same exact size or weight. If you are having a chicken thigh already cooked, as in take out food, the calorie counter will give you an average depending on whether it's baked, fried, whatever, as the cooking method adds calories.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Hey, U are reading my thoughts!
    I just put fried chicken tight into my diary, and it says 250 kcal for it.

    So, this drumstick has cca 100 g meat and 80 calories without sking probably???
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    ( I rarely cook at home, cause I have meals in enterprise, and because of the situation, cooing at homeis just too expensive, on the toher hand, we get meals in enterprise for free and are even regarded badly if we don't use them...- local phenomenon )

    Kitchen scales are not only quite ecxpensive, but also quite rare, cause alway less and less people uy them..

    U will easilly find more and more young people who are not used to rememer and compare weights, if not labeled on the package...)
  • icupkn3
    icupkn3 Posts: 39
    Im not sure but can you tell me how to post pictures? The ol copy and paste is not working for me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,287 Member
    Or you could disregard the advice here and continue to be in the dark over a simple question........and keep guessing.
  • icupkn3
    icupkn3 Posts: 39
    Now that is funny. Can you instruct me on how to post pictures? The ol copy and past is not working so well.
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Why fry it?. Oven Roast a full chicken and get many meals out of it..
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Pleas,e what is the difference bewtween fry and roast?
    Do we nee doil /fets to roast or juust temperature?

    many thanks!!!
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Roasting is done in the oven (no oil).

    Frying is done in a pan with oil/ fat.

    Deep frying is done in a big pan where the chicken bits are completely covered in oil.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    U do not use any oil in the oven?

    We have some plastic bags to avoid using oil in the oven.

    I do not liek meat too much ,and if I rpepare it at home, I prefere cooking