Is MFP maintenance goal realistic?

I just want to know if anybody whos lost weight has been able to maintain by following MFP's calorie guide for maintenance? I've just finished losing around 30kg and I'm incredibly scared to gain it back, 1980 is my goal now up from 1200.. Thats a big jump!! Does it sound correct and not too much? Im a 5'10" 74kg female.


  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Congratulations on loosing the weight - 1900 cals sounds reasonable for your weight - just don't go there all at once. gradually increase your caloric intake as long as you are exercising - read that lifting weights - keep a clean diet - you can introduce some carbs
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I'm 74kg too and maintain on an average of 2500 - 1980 sounds a little low to me.
    I've seen it stated the average woman needs 2000/day and you are much taller than average.

    In the end only time will tell so walk up your calories over a period of weeks until you find the sweet point that keeps you in your desired weight range that allows for normal weight fluctuations.

    Your recent rate of weight loss will give you an idea of what your maintenance calories will be.
  • marma_13
    marma_13 Posts: 9 Member
    Maintaining is a lot like losing (you still have to be mindful and keep track) only totally different (you add extra calories and you have a lot of leeway with where/how you get those extra colories, i.e., day to day or special events). I would increase my daily calories slowly while maintaining my exercise and then see how easy it is to maintain. Also, "maintain" means different things to different people Decide how many pounds over/under your goal weight is OK with you, keeping in mind that weight always fluctuates. The good news: it was not until I found MFP that I have found it easy to maintain my weight, so I know it works. Good luck.
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 5'6 (64kg) and maintaining at 1800-2000. I go to the gym 3x1hour a week, that's already calculated. Given that you are much taller, I think you have nothing to worry about.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Begin by adding just some of them in, giving it a week or so to adjust. Then add more in. I think MFP has a good guideline for starters, but some people need a little more and some a little less to maintain.

    I'm 5'10" but 146 and 55 yo. My maintenance set at sedentary is 1440, but I add several hundred to that every day with logged exercise.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    The maintainance looks correct to me. for me, MFP calculates right too.
    Good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    change your goal to lose 0.5lb per week when you have 5-10 lb to go, and then work up 100 cals per week till you get to MFPs figure... you then might need to tweak it further... MFP has maintenance too low for me!
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    BTW, don't panic when you put on a few pounds. This is normal when you go back to maintenance as the "water weight" returns. It should level off.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    BTW, don't panic when you put on a few pounds. This is normal when you go back to maintenance as the "water weight" returns. It should level off.

    Probably a stupid question but why would water weight increase when going to maintenance, expected increase in salt consumption?
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    congradulations on reaching your goal. I am not on maintenance yet
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    BTW, don't panic when you put on a few pounds. This is normal when you go back to maintenance as the "water weight" returns. It should level off.

    Probably a stupid question but why would water weight increase when going to maintenance, expected increase in salt consumption?

    People tell me that you lose glycogen during weight loss and it replenishes itself when you go to maintenance. This results in a small increase in weight.

    Many people experience this. I did not.