Over 100 pound loss loose skin ?



  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    I can't comfortably wear anything that shows my knees or above because of the skin/cellulite issue.

    I am currently sitting at the chiropractors office in a pair of my husbands shorts because I don't own any, and she needs to work on my knee.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    I know that my loose skin will likely stay that way - at least on my stomach and arms. Not so worried about my legs (right now). I have decided that I'm okay with the fact that I may need surgery down the line to get rid of it, and if it comes to that, I will because I'm 24 and going into a career in law enforcement...but I'm going to try my damnedest to do it in the gym.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Wow everybody, awesome work!
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    I am so glad this subject came up. I lost 93 lbs and got lazy and went back to old habits just leads but I gained 31 lbs back.
    My doctor has recommended surgery for my tummy. I can tell on the days when I drink my water that it is squishy (my cousin`s word for it). I have a good bit on my thighs and arms too. I want to do the most I can but don't know where to start with weights. Walking is very difficult at this time as my tummy is so big it pulls me off balance and is a big contributer to my ability not to do leg lifts,etc. I can't even ride a recumbent bike. So, any ideas for at home exercise would be great. Anyway, thanks for talking about this . .
  • kazzsj0urney
    I started at 380 pounds and am about 230 pounds currently. I do have loose skin but I find if you dress well its not very obvious.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I've got lots of loose skin. Doesn't bother me: I'll trade loose skin for a new lease on life.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    I'm curious as to the gym/work out routine of people that have lost 100-200 lbs and don't have loose skin. I'm 24, I've been obese since I was around 10. I've lost 80 lbs and have about 115-120 lbs left to lose and currently spend 1-2 hours in the gym 4-5 days a week, plus swimming and walking at home. I do full body work outs at the gym each time. Just wondering how you guys went about targeting/working those zones and such.
  • losingles
    losingles Posts: 147 Member
  • lisarrogers
    I would add that besides age (I turn 40 in two weeks) - how long you have been extremely overweight is even more of the issue. I have never been tiny and so I was significantly overweight for almost 20 years. Now that I have lost almost 120 pounds and am almost at goal my tummy is awful. My arms are flappy but not too bad. My upper thighs, well they can be scary too. I have scheduled skin removal surgery for December and my doctor said I have loose skin in both the horizontal and vertical directions because of the lack of elasticity. I am doing an extended tummy tuck with a vertical incision and then a breast lift. Those are my focus areas. I do not have pics as they are scary! Haha
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.

    That's a wonderful goal for you, but for some people (me included) 15% body fat will never be attainable. Do I expect that toning will improve some of my skin issues, yes, and I am willing to work on it, to a point, but I refuse to feel terrible in my own body with all the hard work I've done, just because of my skin.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.

    That's a wonderful goal for you, but for some people (me included) 15% body fat will never be attainable. Do I expect that toning will improve some of my skin issues, yes, and I am willing to work on it, to a point, but I refuse to feel terrible in my own body with all the hard work I've done, just because of my skin.

    Thing is the surgery really isn't minor. And the recovery time is long half the people who do it put on weight while recovering and end up with some pretty horrific scars. So honestly vanity surgery for loose skin just seems like a really silly idea to me. It's a horrific possibly scarring process that half the time doesn't work. Further weight loss however probably will and doesn't involve any scalpels.

    Honestly I don't think .. from what I have read that getting down to very low body fat is such a hard thing. You just have to know how and control your diet. You actually eat at very close to your tdee when losing fat at that point. Plus refeed days sound like baked potato paradise. It's just a matter of realizing that getting to very low body fat isn't just a matter of cutting calories anymore at least if you want to keep your muscle.

    Sounds a lot easier than dealing with surgical recovery but that's just my 2c

    Oh and also remember your body fat numbers are higher than mine because you are a woman :) I think if you got into high teens you would be set.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I'm curious as to the gym/work out routine of people that have lost 100-200 lbs and don't have loose skin. I'm 24, I've been obese since I was around 10. I've lost 80 lbs and have about 115-120 lbs left to lose and currently spend 1-2 hours in the gym 4-5 days a week, plus swimming and walking at home. I do full body work outs at the gym each time. Just wondering how you guys went about targeting/working those zones and such.

    I run on my cardio days, do some HIIT. Three days a week I lift heavy -following Stronglifts. I eat a shed load of protein. I also lost my weight slowly over the course of a couple of years
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    Do you keep your diary public? If so, do you mind if I add you?
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Even people on here who have some real scary stories with loose skin do not regret one bit losing the weight.

    What happens, happens. You'll be healthier and happier and can cross the skin bridge when you come to it.
  • MindainVA83
    MindainVA83 Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats to you first of all.

    I have lost 107lbs so far. I started Dec 2013, which as you can see, is not that long ago. I did exercise at home, but was completely lost as to what I was doing. I joined a gym mid Feb, and then got a personal trainer mid April. I don't really have a lot of sagging skin like i thought. At first, I was really concerned especially with my arms, but it's tightening up really quickly. I really contribute the good progress to a few things: I exercise at least 5x a week, which does include resistance training. I eat as much veggies as I can, and have a little bit of fruit every day. I always use a lemon butter lotion that I am in love with. I drink 14 8 ounce cups of water a day at least. I really think water is a BIG factor.
    I hope that helps!
  • jennerb12
    jennerb12 Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost 80 lbs (20 more to go) and I also have loose skin... I've asked doctors and trainers and other people who have lost a significant amount of weight and the consensus is that the only thing that will minimize the loose skin is steady exercise that has a really good balance between fat burning cardio and weight training. (and losing weight slowly) You have a real advantage because you're still in your twenties! That said, there is some loose skin that won't go away and the job we have to take on is to learn to accept ourselves at every age, stage, ability etc. Weight loss is not purely physical, as I'm sure everyone here knows. The brain and emotions need to redefine our self-concept to different moments/stages in life. Work from a focus on all the amazing things you CAN do now and the milestones and great things in all areas of life that you have to be proud of - don't wait until you reach an 'end' goal to see the wonderful, beautiful you. (I'm not saying that this is what you're doing - I have no idea - I'm just saying it because it's so common for people who are trying to lose weight to overlook what's great about them right now because they're so focused on down the road when they're thinner. To me, the mental/emotional changes are a bigger battle than actually losing the weight and/or loose skin)
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs and yes, I do have skin. Mostly in my belly and most certainly my upper arms. I was overweight my entire life so I'm not really surprised at the skin. I've heard that people who are quite young (early 20s, that sort of thing) and who weren't overweight for a long period of time, don't have as much but you know - even having the skin, I don't regret it one bit. I am so much more healthy now. Don't let skin deter you from losing weight and getting healthy.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    My highest was 337.5 pounds. I am now at 188. My arms and thighs suffered the most. I had to really sit back, reflect and realize that being overweight for about 20 years I would have loose skin. I absolutely hate it and it is a reminder of how much I neglected myself. I train with a trainer, I box, and take a class that is cross fit/boot camp mixed each week and I am seing changes. Not as fast as I would like mind you, but patience is a virtue since I did not gain it overnight.

    I agree with many of the comments here. Do not let the skin deter you from becoming a healtier more vibrant you.
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.

    That's a wonderful goal for you, but for some people (me included) 15% body fat will never be attainable. Do I expect that toning will improve some of my skin issues, yes, and I am willing to work on it, to a point, but I refuse to feel terrible in my own body with all the hard work I've done, just because of my skin.

    Thing is the surgery really isn't minor. And the recovery time is long half the people who do it put on weight while recovering and end up with some pretty horrific scars. So honestly vanity surgery for loose skin just seems like a really silly idea to me. It's a horrific possibly scarring process that half the time doesn't work. Further weight loss however probably will and doesn't involve any scalpels.

    Honestly I don't think .. from what I have read that getting down to very low body fat is such a hard thing. You just have to know how and control your diet. You actually eat at very close to your tdee when losing fat at that point. Plus refeed days sound like baked potato paradise. It's just a matter of realizing that getting to very low body fat isn't just a matter of cutting calories anymore at least if you want to keep your muscle.

    Sounds a lot easier than dealing with surgical recovery but that's just my 2c

    Oh and also remember your body fat numbers are higher than mine because you are a woman :) I think if you got into high teens you would be set.

    Again, if I can get to 25% body fat, I would be ecstatic. I am saving for, and planning on having surgery. I've had other major surgeries, so I know what recovery is like, and I won't be made to feel guilty for knowing that is what I want, and following through on it.
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