Carb Lovers Diet

dbeinke Posts: 14 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone tried this diet? I saw it on the Rachael Ray show this week and was curious about it. If anyone has tried it and had success? Is it hard to stick to?


  • MrsJazi
    MrsJazi Posts: 17
    I haven't. Sorry.
  • hopeC12
    hopeC12 Posts: 38
    High carb diets are not only less effective, but unhealthy.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Just looked it up quickly -- it seems that I'm doing a modified version of the diet without even knowing about it before right now!:laugh: Portion control, not deprieving yourself of things you love, and all that good stuff.
  • dbeinke
    dbeinke Posts: 14 Member
    It's not about high's about portion control and being able to eat your favorite foods. It's about the type of starch. Low carb is what's unhealthy.
  • It's not about high's about portion control and being able to eat your favorite foods. It's about the type of starch. Low carb is what's unhealthy.

    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    It's not about high's about portion control and being able to eat your favorite foods. It's about the type of starch. Low carb is what's unhealthy.

    That is so true. Your body needs cards, be it healthy ones. One of the worse things you can go is cut them all together!
  • I was watching that episode yesterday as well, I went grocery shopping lol- I got whole wheat pastas, bananas, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. I feel alot better as compared to the high protein diet I was previously doing, it made me feel yucky. I feel better and I still lost about half a lb since yesterday, high carb, high protein, I don't think it really matters, its just about calories in and calories out. Do something you can stick to
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 237 Member
    As a mother of a son who is diabetic, I have to disagree with the people who say low carbs are unhealthy. Carbs, for the most part, are nothing but surgar. Type one diabetics count their carbs and a large amount of carbs equals a large amount of insulin. Just thought I would put that out there.
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I've always thought that the reason low/no carb diets "work" is that cakes and cookies, etc., are automatically eliminated. Duh.

    That being said -- I try to be careful with my carbs just because I find that certain carbs trigger cravings and binges. Cereal, of all things, is probably my worst trigger food! I have been trying to be sure that the carbs I eat are mainly oats, brown rice, and super high fiber, high protein breads and wraps.
  • With all due respect, there is a plethora of research coming out about the correlation between ...well, tons of medical problems and substandard carb intake. By that I mean, grains, and highly starchy carbs. Portion control is great for losing weight, but that doesn't mean its necessarily healthy (its why you can lose weight, but probably destroy your body in the long term, on a wholly twinkie diet).

    The bigger issue, I feel is the type of carbohydrate. Eating what the body is naturally developed to eat (nuts, fibrous greens, berries, and fruit) is much more beneficial than eating highly processed grains for your health in the long run. And I'd be more than happy to provide sources to back it up. :)
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I was watching the same show:) The book focuses on portion control and GOOD CARBS! They aren't talking about muffins, ice cream and mounds of white sugar. Focusing more on whole grains and "good" carbs. I have done the low carb thing and it worked great for me. BUT and this is a big BUT.....I was extremely *****y and irritable at times. I started to feel better once I added in a small amount of whole grains and fruit. Good luck if you try it!
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    A huge thing to consider is the issue of the unhealthy foods the country eats to begin with.

    Potato chips, french fries, ramen noodles, spaghetti o's, white bread, sugar cereals, and sweets are all very unhealthy.

    Fruit, hearthy whole grains, and fiber-rich cereals are all vert good for you, and needed to keep your energy levels up.

    I did no carbs when it first started its go, Atikins style. I ate all vegetables, proteins, and dairy while cutting out all carbs- grains, breads, pastas, fruit, etc. I lost 15 pounds with no problem. I felt lethargic, was too tired to leave the couch, and my cholesterol went through the roof from all the bacon,eggs, cheese, and snacking on lunch meat and pork rinds......

    I was better off 15 pounds heavier .....
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    As a mother of a son who is diabetic, I have to disagree with the people who say low carbs are unhealthy. Carbs, for the most part, are nothing but surgar. Type one diabetics count their carbs and a large amount of carbs equals a large amount of insulin. Just thought I would put that out there.

    Sounds like he was eating the wrong kind of carbs
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    i almost bought that book, then i stood and read little parts of it and i figured it wasn't for me; moreover, i do eat healthy carbs already. moderation is the key, we all need a balance diet and its when we deprive ourselves we tend to fail. good luck on ur decision :noway:
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