Tip for not using your daily calories too fast

Dsgnr Posts: 3 Member
If you find towards the end of the day you don't have enough calories left for dinner try this tip. I often add quick calories at the beginning of the day. For example, I'll add 500 quick calories to the dinner category and 300 to the lunch category. I find it easier to see what calories I have free for snacking knowing that I'll have calories available for lunch and dinner. When I eat lunch and dinner I delete the quick calories I entered and add the actual meal. I find this works well.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I prelog it. I know what I'm going to be eating in advance so can spread my calories. If something changes during the day, I can just go back in and change it. Planning my meals and snacks ahead of time, helps me stay on track
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    I prelog it. I know what I'm going to be eating in advance so can spread my calories. If something changes during the day, I can just go back in and change it.

    This is what I do too. I typically have the same thing for breakfast, and pack my lunch the night before so I know how much I have left for snacking and dinner the night before. If I don't finish my prelogged food (or forget it at home lol) I'll just adjust my diary.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I like the idea of putting in quick add calories, for your dinner or late snack, that way you got a good amount saved for later. I dont pre log because I vary everyday on what I eat, I don't see doing that for me.
  • marypresent
    marypresent Posts: 39 Member
    Good tip Dsgnr- I'll have to try that!
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I prelog it. I know what I'm going to be eating in advance so can spread my calories. If something changes during the day, I can just go back in and change it. Planning my meals and snacks ahead of time, helps me stay on track
    I do this, too. Makes it easy to adjust lunch/snacks if needed.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I'm terrible at pre-logging food because for some reason I always end up feeling like I'm hungry, but this might help. Thanks!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Isn't adding quick calories at the beginning of the day the same as setting all your clocks back so you won't be late? In both cases, you really know the real time/calorie count.

    I usually plan the day ahead of time and log at least breakfast, morning snack, and lunch. I can always make adjustments later if I haven't decided on the whole day.

    In general, I don't think tricking myself about anything is a good idea.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I think of it as saving for later, just pre planning, instead of pre logging, not really tricking yourself .
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    how low is your calorie goal that you're running out by dinner?

    and if you can't control what you're eating during the day just prelog that day. i dont think tricking yourself is doing any favors in the long run to learn good habits
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I like to know during the day how many calories I have really eaten. Then I can compare my feelings of hunger to what I have actually eaten. I really like reality.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I prelog it. I know what I'm going to be eating in advance so can spread my calories. If something changes during the day, I can just go back in and change it. Planning my meals and snacks ahead of time, helps me stay on track
    I need to get back to doing that. I used to.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I think you should do whatever works for you. Whether it's pre-logging, or logging as you go but saving calories for later, etc. Remember your "reality" might not be the same as someone else's, since we're all different people with different ways of life, schedules, personalities etc.

    Personally I don't use quick calories, but I do mentally save a bunch of calories for later in the day/night because I am a night owl/night time eater. I have dinner at like 10pm so it just makes sense to me. And as you can see by my ticker, it has helped so far :D But again, to each their own. The quick calories thing is a good idea for those people that work better that way, just like pre-logging is a good idea for those people that work better with pre-logging. Happy sunday people ;)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Isn't adding quick calories at the beginning of the day the same as setting all your clocks back so you won't be late? In both cases, you really know the real time/calorie count.

    I usually plan the day ahead of time and log at least breakfast, morning snack, and lunch. I can always make adjustments later if I haven't decided on the whole day.

    In general, I don't think tricking myself about anything is a good idea.

    Agree with her. ^^
  • Infamous624
    Infamous624 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been trying to wait to log in any exercising I did until the evening so it gives me those extra calories, or I exercise a little after dinner so if I go over I can burn it off... motivates me to actually exercise because I am also terrible at having enough dinner calories left over!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I prelog and start with dinner (usually doing the whole week of dinners ahead of time once I make my plans). Then I work back from that. Never have I had an issue with running out of calories, but I also use the TDEE method so I don't end up being told to only eat 1200.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Personally this seems like a roundabout way to do it. I know the main meals I'm going to have I've a pretty good idea of my exercise and the sort of calories I'll burn. So I plan my meals in advance with some leeway for any snacks and possible changes. Pre logging[planning your meals is normally a far better option as you can then always pair up higher calorie lunch for example with a lower calorie dinner. It's also easier to balance out macros this way and are less likely to under eat as well which is just as important

    In the end it's what works for you though
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member

    In general, I don't think tricking myself about anything is a good idea.

    Agree with her. ^^
    Interesting. The clock trick doesn't work for me but I love mental tricks. The obstacles to weight loss and fitness are more mental than physical and mental tricks help a lot of people overcome their subconcious' aversion to healthy habits.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I guess I am thinking if it's not a helpful tip for you, than by all means ignore it and don't use it.

    If this is a helpful tip for you, than use it.

    I personally do a rough pre-logging and purposely plan lighter breakfast/ lunch calories because I especially enjoy eating my calories in peace (not at work, and after the kids are in bed!)
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    If you find towards the end of the day you don't have enough calories left for dinner try this tip. I often add quick calories at the beginning of the day. For example, I'll add 500 quick calories to the dinner category and 300 to the lunch category. I find it easier to see what calories I have free for snacking knowing that I'll have calories available for lunch and dinner. When I eat lunch and dinner I delete the quick calories I entered and add the actual meal. I find this works well.

    Thanks for this tip - I think it'll be a really good tip for when I am not sure what I am going to eat throughout the day.
  • riotatme23
    riotatme23 Posts: 56 Member
    I preplan my lunches when I get to work based on the cafeteria menu. If the menu says something I don't want or they switch it up last minute I adjust it accordingly.

    I treat my meal diary and planning like a guideline, not like a Bible.