30 DS Help

Hi There,

I have been completing shred, but can only do it about four times a week.

I am not seeing very good results, last time I did it, I had the time to do it daily and saw excellent results.

Is it worth doing on this basis, or is there a better toning system more suited to 4 sessions a week?

Also just started doing zumba twice a week and aim to completed a ministry of sound work out dvd a week.

Many thanks for any advise or help. :)


  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    How far along on the Shred are you? I only did it 4 days a week and got great results, but I was also doing her other DVDs when I wasn't doing 30DS or doing 30DS and then another work out afterwards. 4 days a week just doing the Shred probably won't do a whole lot.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    What results are you looking for? If you want to lose weight then you need to count calories as well as doing 30ds. If you want to improve cardiovascular fitness or muscle strength then four days a week should be enough. I would combine it with regular walking /cardio to burn extra calories.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    30 DS is cardio with a little strength training thrown in. Since you're doing zumba you've already got the cardio covered.

    Look for something that is just strength training based. I really like Kelly Coffey Meyer DVDs but there are tons of strength training DVDs out there. I like this one: https://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/KELLY-COFFEY-MEYER-MUSCLE-DEFINITION-p/466.htm

    If you want to stick with Jillian this one is all strength and rated intermediate: https://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/NO-MORE-TROUBLE-ZONES-p/854.htm

    If you want advanced look up Cathe (Friedrich).....https://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=cathe
  • Rosieposiepetal
    Rosieposiepetal Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all your advise, I will increase the cardio and hope for results. Thinking back I was running and doing 30ds before, just since having my baby my hips have not been so good. XX
  • dippy1313
    You should try Jillian Michaels' RIPPED IN 30. It is a little bit more intense than shred and people who really want great results do ripped in30 after shred. This is day 11 of shred and after finishing it I will do ripped in 30.
    PS: ripped in 30 is long 35-45 mins.
    Good luck!!!
    And reply if you'll be doing it
  • Rosieposiepetal
    Rosieposiepetal Posts: 20 Member
    I will look in to it, always love a work out challenge. x
  • lolly715
    lolly715 Posts: 106
    Ripped in 30 is the same format as 30DS so it's not longer. 20 minutes of actual work out, plus the short warm ups and cool downs. But I agree it's more intense. And I like it more, Jillian is quite funny in it. Anyway, In the first stage of my weight loss a few years ago (about 80lbs) 30DS worked really well for me, only doing it 3-4 days a week. But now it does nothing. Where Ri30 is working well, again only a few times a week depending how much I can fit it in.
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    I just started 30ds today, feel free to add for motivation and support
  • shellabella3075
    shellabella3075 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm also doing 30DS. Each time gets a little easier! I started with no weights, trying to perfect my form, then went to 1lb and now at 3 lb weights. I'm wondering how people log this exercise in the myfitnesspal app. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Also...what size weights do most use? I need something to shoot for ;-)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I did it about 4 days a week.

    What results are you looking for? Are you not losing weight? Or not improving fitness-wise?

    Calorie deficit for weight loss, exercise for fitness. If you are looking for other workouts to mix things up, check out FitnessBlender.com - they have tons of free workouts online, lots of variety, body weight stuff, dumbbell workouts, yoga, pilates, HIIT - good stuff.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm also doing 30DS. Each time gets a little easier! I started with no weights, trying to perfect my form, then went to 1lb and now at 3 lb weights. I'm wondering how people log this exercise in the myfitnesspal app. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Also...what size weights do most use? I need something to shoot for ;-)

    Circuit training.....cardio + some light strength training