hi! :)

Hello! I'm Christy and i'm new to this site. I'm not new to weight loss or attempts at it, but i'm new here! I really hope this helps me to track and achieve my goals because i'm honestly sick of being 280lbs. I look good, but something's got to give...i'm sick of not feeling good about myself, so i'm doing what i have to do. Any suggestions or comments would be great!!

Thank you!!!


  • dalderton
    Youre not alone in the way you feel - I too am sick about the way I feel - go for it and stick to - best of luck in your weight loss

    D ::))
  • joetta00
    joetta00 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck and this is a wonderful site and your not alone we all want to look good!! If you need support just holler at me I know how support is important!!:smile:
  • JenHollandsworth
    JenHollandsworth Posts: 25 Member
    I am new to this site too and so far I love it. I think it is great because it holds us accountable for what we eat and how much we exercise. Also, our friends get to see our progress. Yesterday, I went out to lunch with a friend and had a perch sandwich with fries.. it was over 900 calories and totally ruined my total for the day. I actually felt guilty...I will not do that again!!!

    Good luck!! :)