T25 Alpha to Beta move

I just finished T25 Alpha today and I'm suppose to move into Beta need week. I am having second thoughts though because there are a couple of moves I still can't do. I can do three of the videos totally and 'nail' them, but I can't do the oblique pushups yet in the total body and the ab video move of the double legs up and down. I am not tired of the videos and wouldn't mind doing another week or even two to see if I can 'nail' these moves. Any thoughts? Do people move on when they haven't nailed all the moves?


  • colleenamyers
    colleenamyers Posts: 11 Member
    Trust your body and your instincts. I still modify 25-50% of the time more than halfway through Alpha, so I am thinking I will repeat Alpha cycle before moving on to Beta. I'm still seeing great results so I'm not concerned that repeating Alpha will prevent progress. I would try adding additional Alpha weeks and concentrating on the areas where you feel uncertain, and moving on only once you feel ready!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I did Alpha/Beta/Gamma. If you want go on to Beta and if you think you moved along too fast go back and do more Alpha. I like Beta better though I was doing good with Alpha I didn't nail every move before moving on.
  • ashbex
    ashbex Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting t25 tomorrow (i've done it here and there but haven't stuck to the schedule yet). I already am planning on doing Alpha at least twice before going to Beta. Then I'll progress to Insanity.