I don't know what to do anymore...

I know I post here a lot, but I promise I am being genuine and not looking for attention. I just want help.
I was doing well the past few days. I was happy, content, and confident. I was taking care of myself and eating a reasonable amount.
But earlier I went to take a shower and I just lost it. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was fat. My belly. My love handles. My thighs. Everything. I hated my body. I felt gross and horrible.
I used to be bigger. I was 140lbs at 5'4. I'm 19 and now 112ish. I lost 20lbs in 3 and a half weeks by eating below 900 cals everyday (I wasn't being wise). I starting eating a normal amount again. My weight was steady. I started excercising without eating back exercise calories (I ate 1200 a day, regularly going under). I'm still eating that amount but not exercising aside from a quick daily workout app.
Recently, I've felt almost proud of myself. I didn't feel fat anymore. But now I've lost that. I feel like Sisyphus, pushing a boulder uphill only to see it fall again. I keep getting caught in a cycle of being happy, then hating myself. I can't get out of it. I fell again earlier.
I don't want to do anything. I don't want to eat or sleep. I don't want to go out with friends and family, or read and write. I don't want to watch TV. I'm not even sure if I want to live (I am NOT suicidal or even contemplating it). I just feel worthless and I have no one to talk to. I feel so tempted to not eat anymore, or do anything but let myself waste away (but I'm trying everything I can to not let myself do that).
I'm going to post 2 pictures of my main problem area to give an idea of what I look like. They're in my profile, but if you can't find it I'll post it in the comments once I figure out how.
Sorry for the huge rant and thank you if you've read this far.


  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    With all kindness and compassion, you really need to find a counselor who specializes in disordered eating and a psychiatrist.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I agree with MyOwnSunshine that counseling may help.
    Beyond that, I would recommend increasing your exercise time if you can. Vary it so that you are challenging your body in new ways. If you can't afford a coach, go to a class, and if you can't afford a class, go to the library and borrow exercise videos or do videos on youtube.
    Exercise to make your body ready for the fun you want to be having.
    Schedule a time each day for moping. If you feel down and it's not your scheduled time to mope, say "I'll get to that later."
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    With all kindness and compassion, you really need to find a counselor who specializes in disordered eating and a psychiatrist.

    Yes to this, I've been in your shoes, and I still struggle with body image issues and battle similar issues daily (I'm winning, ATM, praise God!). I see in your profile you're a college student. I'm sure there are resources available for you to reach out for help at your school's health department. Seeking counsel is NOT weakness. It is strength to reach out and use the expertise of a professional to develop good skills for dealing with body image issues/disordered thinking.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    A talk with a professional is probably a really helpful idea :flowerforyou:

    If you want to feel positive about yourself and truly start looking at food as fuel instead of a fat trap, look into strength training. Lift some heavy stuff. Put your heart and mind into it. When you start seeing the positive changes that are happening, you'll be hooked. You will need food to fuel your workouts and you'll be glad you ate healthily. Oh and all that lean muscle wont look half bad either :wink:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    With all kindness and compassion, you really need to find a counselor who specializes in disordered eating and a psychiatrist.

    Bluecat, you are headed down a dangerous and self-destructive road. Please seek help.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I would recommend increasing your exercise time if you can. Vary it so that you are challenging your body in new ways. If you can't afford a coach, go to a class, and if you can't afford a class, go to the library and borrow exercise videos or do videos on youtube.
    Exercise to make your body ready for the fun you want to be having.
    Schedule a time each day for moping. If you feel down and it's not your scheduled time to mope, say "I'll get to that later."
    This is really bad advice. She's 112 pounds and sees herself as fat, which is obviously a skewed body image. I have a feeling she will not be happy with her body until she takes care of what's going on inside of her. I know, I've been there.

    Also, what's this comment about moping? Her wording indicates a path down an eating disordered road, which I really would not classify as moping.
  • getitgirl6
    getitgirl6 Posts: 11 Member
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member

    i agree with previous posters i would seek help.. i looked at your pic . i dont think your fat.. i think its something you need to heal on the inside before you can change your perception of yourself of what you look like on the outside

    starving yourself is not the answer

    seeking help proves your strong and you want to practice self care. do they have a guidance counselor in your school.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Honey, you are doing all of this to yourself and you're going to need help if you ever want to feel better.

    The question is: Do you want to feel better? If you do, get a therapist, preferably one who specializes in eating disorders.

    If you want to keep being miserable and wallow in your unhappiness, that's your business. But nobody here can help you. You must seek help in the appropriate place. Please do that.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    But earlier I went to take a shower and I just lost it. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was fat. My belly. My love handles. My thighs. Everything. I hated my body. I felt gross and horrible.
    I don't want to do anything. I don't want to eat or sleep. I don't want to go out with friends and family, or read and write. I don't want to watch TV. I'm not even sure if I want to live (I am NOT suicidal or even contemplating it). I just feel worthless and I have no one to talk to.
    Honey, you need help. More help than some people on the internet can offer.
    What you're listing are symptoms of depression & body dysmorphic disorder.
    Go to your school's health service & ask about counsellors, or they should be able to refer you to free or low-cost community resources.
    I was 140lbs at 5'4. I'm 19 and now 112ish
    Going by BMI, both of those are within a healthy range, but barely.
    I started excercising without eating back exercise calories
    In order to lose weight, that's what you should do. That's what my doctor told me to do & it's working.
    But since you're at the low end of a healthy weight range, you need to be eating them back now.
    Recently, I've felt almost proud of myself. I didn't feel fat anymore.
    But now I've lost that. ... I keep getting caught in a cycle of being happy, then hating myself. I can't get out of it. I fell again earlier.
    Can your brain "get" that you shouldn't lose any more weight?
    Can you understand that your current weight is in the healthy range, but only barely?
    Ignore your feelings, go with facts here, because your feelings about yourself are screwed up.
    Until you get them more in line with reality, rely on things that don't change - numbers are objective.

    I looked at your profile picture of your tummy, and the worst I can say is that you're maybe a bit lacking in muscle tone.
    Girls are supposed to be softly padded. You're doing it right.

    If you want to be more toned, do regular weightlifting. Maybe that's what you need to like how you look. Your weight may not change, or may even increase slightly, but that's OK, you've got plenty of room above you in the healthy range.
    While you can't spot-reduce fat, you can target the abdomen / trunk to get better toned. Work all the way around - situps, twists, side situps, back extensions, leg lifts.
    Heck, throw in some hip exercises (abduction, adduction, kickbacks) and you'll be looking awesome from hip to bust.
    Do the upper body too & you'll be amazing all over.
    I'll post it in the comments once I figure out how.
    Post it to photobucket (or a similar hosting page), then copy the URL & put it into your post like this:
    [ img] http://URL.com [ /img]
    but leave out the spaces in the [] area.
  • marlene68
    I'm a 46 year old female with endo-mesomorph body shape, 5ft3in and weigh 77 kgs.
    I'm a YOYO Dieter, with a bad self image, no matter how slim i get i feel fat.
    I can suggest you try a hypnotist or psycologist to try and work out your inner issues. U never know it may end up being simple.
    All i can suggest is try and figure out your own triggers, mine was finding my only parent dead hence taking the rock out of my world. She loved me regardless, and until she passed when i was 27 i never had a weight problem.
    I have since found comfort in a 'clean 1200 calorie diet', and doing PUMP/weight training 3-4 times a week, and walking 3-4kms 3-4 times a week.
    I've decided to take control of MY LIFE and that includes Diet and health.
    My plan is to keep to this diet as close as possible for 4wks solid, and then it will be habit again and my lifestyle!
    Also find a friend to train and diet with, as this will create a buddy system with encouragement.