Hi everyone:)

I just joined the site today and wanted to take the time to say hello. I have lost and gained many times before, but this time I am determined to lose the weight and keep it off...if anyone wishes to add me, please feel free...I love meeting new people:)



  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Hello & Welcome!!

    Friend request coming your way :)
  • lowlevelrebel
    lowlevelrebel Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there! New myself, nice to meet you!
  • jujuzena
    Hi Kris!! Good luck you CAN do this!! I started two days ago... I like the app on my phone, makes it so easy!! Counting calories always seems like so much work, but once you do it its not too bad. Also actually seeing everything you eat, all the fat and calories, makes it easier to cut some stuff out... won't happen overnight but it will happen!!
  • csc101769
    I'm new too, just signed on yesterday. Going to buy a scale on my lunch break so I can get accurate weight and will be posting pics soon. Good luck to you!!!
  • Lindawozencroft
    Lindawozencroft Posts: 7 Member
    Good to meet you!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    nice to meet you i just joind as well! hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • mkw122680
    Hiya! You're going to love it here. Everyone is really helpful and motivational :D A friend request was sent!
  • simplykris75
    I hope you are right, I do not have many people around me for support...new city and all so I am a little nervous
  • AmbyBoo
    Hi and WELCOME, I am also new and i'm loving this site it really does help!! Good luck on your new journey :D
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hi,am new myself.Wishing you good luck with your new life and for the challenge that you have set yourself.