No longer a liar...

mckval Posts: 64 Member
So, a few months ago someone posted on this board, "What does your driver's license say your weight is?" OH MY! Well, after laughing at all the posts, I went directly to my wallet and was shocked. Uh, nope. Not seen that weight in years, apparently.

However, as of today, I am no longer a liar. ( And, as a matter of fact, I still have about 8lbs to go...we shall see.)

But for now, I am what I say I am.


  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    lol even when i got my license at 16 the weight i told them that very day was a lie, i have never been small, hoping to change that soon :) not necessarily to small, but medium would be nice haha
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    congrats btw! not many ppl can say their weight on their license is the truth you go girl!
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    yah mine is way off now.....TOO HIGH believe it or not!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    mine says 130 HA~ Thats what I was when I was 16!~! I dont have the balls to change it yet though.. maybe when i hit 140!~!

    Good for you with being honest!~!
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    This is so funny, after reading your post, I got out my license-I had no idea what my weight was on there. I'm happy to say that after I'm only 2 lbs over what it says after my recent weight loss--what a pleasant suprise! More motivation to get lower than my DL weight and keep going! Thanks!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    LOL..It's funny you posted this..I actually set my goal to be the weight on my Driver's License! I got my DL about 8 months before I started "getting healthy" and I was utterly shocked to find out that the difference between my starting weight and my DL weight was 92 lbs! I'm proud to say that I've only got 23 lbs to go!

    Congratulations and Good Luck! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    LMAO!!!! Thanks for making me laugh this morning!! :laugh: I hope I can match the weight on my drivers license soon!! :happy:
  • thesarahjane
    i got my license about 2 years ago and it said 220 i was 260 now im down to 190.... i kno how you feel.... and CONGRATS!!!!! cuz its totally true :)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hmmm! Is Michigan the only state that DOES NOT put your weight on it!?! Mine doesn't at least. THANK YOU MICHIGAN! Maybe it's because we are one of the fattest states, lol.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    We don't have weights on our licenses in Michigan. :-)
  • jdmacfam
    Congrats to all you honest weight license bearers! =)

    This is funny...I had to check mine too! Woowww..oooppsss! Mine is way off but I'm in the process of changing that! I doubt that I will ever be 130 again (that was my weight before having my first of 3 children) but I'm shooting for 145! Holy crap...I don't think they've ever even asked me about it so it's just stayed there! LOL
  • sewist
    sewist Posts: 40
    CT driver's license doesn't list weight, so I can't play. :(
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    mine says 120 but I weigh around 110. my old drivers license said 120 though too but I probably weighed about 160 lol.. but when I renewed my license in 2009 I was 123
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Congrats! I remember how excited I was when I realized I weighed the same as my DL... I think I've always underestimated my weight on it by a bit (or more than a bit :blushing: ) even when I got my DL initially as a teenager. I now weigh about 15 lbs less than my DL weight!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    The last time I renewed my license, I fessed up and changed my weight to what it actually was. Now my license says I'm 27 pounds heavier than what I really am. :tongue:
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    Ha, me too! I said I was 125 then and I was 160, lol. Of course it says 180 now... lmao. My actual goal is to need to lower the weight on my DL. We'll see. : )
  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    Hmmm! Is Michigan the only state that DOES NOT put your weight on it!?! Mine doesn't at least. THANK YOU MICHIGAN! Maybe it's because we are one of the fattest states, lol.

    i like not having the weight on my license, for sure! i think its silly. people fluctuate. do cops REALLY reference the weight? i mean, really? it'd be like having HAIR color on there. people dye their hair. people gain and lose weight. i'd say height and eye color are the only relevant things on there, really. :bigsmile:
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    OK, I wanna play. I got mine last spring because I had a name change (got remarried). So the test was whether I lied or not then :smile:
    I think I lied, cause I am 3lbs over it now, but it wasn't a huge lie like I think i had on my previous license.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I don't ever remember putting my weight down on my DL, so I went and looked. I 'm not a liar eaither. NH doesn't put the weight on your license. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • crobertson1916
    Mine says I'm 160 - and has said that since I was 16 too. I'm 11 lbs away from that weight, but at my largest I was 90 lbs away. One of my many awards when reaching my goal weight is to PURPOSEFULLY go and update my license with my new weight.
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