Broken Ankle Support

On May 13th I fell and broke my ankle in three places and dislocated it too. I love being outside and I was climbing when I lost my balance and fell about 10 feet. It's been a long process so far and I'm going crazy. I had to wait a week before the doctor could set it or do surgery because the swelling was too extensive. I had surgery on the 20th to have a plate and 9 screws put in. I'm supposed to be in a cast until July and I'm not allowed to put weight on my ankle until August.

As a 22 year old, losing my independence is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have a wheelchair and crutches, but the wheelchair is difficult to maneuver in a small apartment on carpet and I don't have the balance to use my crutches consistently. My boyfriend has been helping take care of me, but I hate relying on someone else. I want to get back outside and do the things I love--like hiking and fishing.

I just want to hear from anyone who has broken a bone how they dealt with the psychological trauma associated with the injury. I just feel so exhaustingly sad all the time, and I don't know if that's partially from the painkillers I was prescribed or the fact that I can't really do the things I love right now without relying on another person.

How did you or your loved one/friend get through it? And what was your/their recovery timeline like?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Ouch, you have my symapthies!

    I fell during a training run on May 11th, and broke a bone in my ankle. It's healing well, the plaster cast is now off and I've got rid of the crutches, but I'm still not allowed to run (or dance) for a few weeks yet.

    At first I was devastated, then depressed. I'd been due to complete my 50th parkrun with 2 other friends soon, and now they've been able to go ahead and complete that while I haven't.

    I found the mental side very tricky to deal with, too.

    I made sure I managed to get some fresh air every day, worked up an exercise plan I COULD do (upper arm weights stuff), and added in mentally stimlating activities like reading and crosswords, as well as creative projects - I reminded myself how to knit.

    I volunteered for marshalling and timekeeping duties at the various runs I was supposed to be competing in.

    I consulted a sports physio to draw up a timetable for rehabilitation.

    Most importantly, I focussed on what i CAN do, rather than what I can't. I'm hoping to be able to get out on my bicycle soon, and I'm looking into other low-impact activities.

    Sending you healing thoughts!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you musical- could you teach yourself to play the recorder or ukulele?
  • Zirrus
    Zirrus Posts: 1
    I dislocated my ankle and broke my leg at the end of January this year in an ankle versus back foot of a falling horse incident. It has been a long job I'm afraid - I have too many steps indoors to make a wheel chair an option so was stuck indoors with crutches. I did see on line a 'knee scooter' which I thought would be great for outside but my OH vetoed that may be worth a look though.
    There is light at the end of the tunnel. I got very down and grumpy turned to comfort foods and now have to pay the price! But am up and getting out walking the dogs and running them at agility - although it will be a while before I handle the horses. Please accept any help offered you can pay it back going forward. Listen to the doctors and find a good physio. Feel free to ask if you have any concerns.
    Melanie- I taught myself to knit too!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    I feel terrible for you. I was born with crooked feet and legs and have had my legs and feet broken for me as a child. Also multiple knee surgeries the latest being a total knee replacement last year. I definitely know what you are going thru. I still am in slow motion cause I need my second knee done this year.
    The feeling of losing your independence is enough to depress you on its own let alone the injury itself. It will get better but as you know it will take time. Accept all help offered. Dont overdo it. Dont push recovery. Milk it for all its worth. Hang in there.

  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I broke my ankle and leg two and a half years ago (I slipped carrying a tv down some stairs and that's where the television landed), so I got to spend several months mostly getting around via walker. I was miserable for a year (at the end of which I could still barely walk). I don't believe I started to get over it psychologically until I was actually getting over it physically.

    Good luck.
  • lyngrim
    lyngrim Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Brooke
    I broke my ankle July 11th 2014, doing my first ever high jump( which wasn't even high) I landed on the bar itself . Obviously I am a very active 45 year old ( maybe a bit old for high jump) run, kettle bells , Zumba , bums&tums and Pilates.
    This is my 5 the week sat on my bottom with a cast on , realised my appetite is back and apart from my injured leg getting thinner and weaker the rest if me is getting fatter.
    Today I've decided to do something about and dug out my dumb bells and made up a gentle routine including some non weight bearing leg work. Also back on my fitness plan.
    After the initial shock of being told I'd broken my ankle and needed surgery to repair it , it's been a long month . Had to cancel our family holiday to Algarve and the impact it's had on all my family . My husband has had to do everything including getting me in and out of shower. He has to work as I'm off for who knows how long. I've had to relay on my 14 year old son and my friend to help cook and clean. I'm grateful of their help but it's not the same as when you do it yourself .
    Week Wednesday is the day ( hopefully all healed) will have cast removed and a walking boot , and start some Weight bearing.
    Like you I'm seeking others who have been through the same thing and interested in how you've coped.