T25 Challenge Group?

Hi everyone,

I started doing Focus T25 late in July. I'm really excited with the results I'm seeing but I am finding that I need some extra motivation to stay on target with the workouts. I'm going on vacation to Las Vegas at the end of September and really need that little OOMPH to push me to be the best I can be!

I am starting a T25 Challenge group to help with motivation and accountability. Some of my local "real life" friends have already joined and I've also got some folks from MFP participating. The more the merrier and I would love to add anyone else in who is doing the program already or is interested in trying it out! We can all help and support each other on this journey :)

Please reply below or send me a message if you're interested in joining. I am hoping to start the challenge September 1!


  • ashbex
    ashbex Posts: 7 Member
    I'll totally join. I'm starting t25 tomorrow.. would you be doing it on here or on FB?
  • sez8288
    sez8288 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in, I am starting today :)
  • luz_rmr
    luz_rmr Posts: 1
    I just started today also. I'm a beginner but hope to keep up! Are you ladies beginners with T25? My friend and I are doing it for 25 days.
  • millikin2007
    millikin2007 Posts: 6 Member
    I am starting T25 today! I'm so exctied to get started!!!
  • I just started today and would love some extra motivational help to keep on track! This is one of multiple attempts to get started with this program, so I am determined to stay on track this time! I am all in for a challenge group!
  • atatatt
    atatatt Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I would love to join. Today is my 16th day, and im hooked.. although i only lost 0.5 kg, i lost a total of 5.4 inc by the end of the second week.. Excited to move on to beta :)
  • Simsim1978
    Simsim1978 Posts: 1 Member
    ok first time i am posting on MFP *waves* i'm in!! i have a movie lined up tonight but we are going early and i intend to start today!! so yes i'm in!
  • eonna1
    eonna1 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in!:smile: I could always use the extra motivation and encouragement. I am on Day 2 of the second week. Please let me know how this will work as I have never been apart of a challenge group before.
  • eonna1
    eonna1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, this is my first time attempting this program. I just recently completed the Turbofire program. (Which I absolutely LOVE!!!)
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I did a little of Alpha/Beta with the wife, but I decided to start right up with Gamma a couple weeks ago. I am on Week 3 right now on the regular schedule. I am going to be trying Gamma Hybrid after that.

    So far just feeling more fit, but not seeing to much results but I don't expect too much after only 2 weeks. I'll keep up with this thread see how everyone is doing.
  • idali1
    idali1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! I started today, I would love to be added to this group!! I need all the motivation I can get!! :-)
  • Hello to everyone! I've recently begun t25 and looking to interact with others on the program. I just begun 8/18 and now on day 4! Love it but still getting use menu and using it it while out in the real world.
    Feel free to add me as motivation is much appreciated!
  • JenJenS5
    JenJenS5 Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to be added too! I am currently on day 4!
  • I'm restarting T25 today...I started it before I got to week 4 day 3 loss almost 30lbs but didnt finish it...this time I am going to finish it...I would love to do T25 this time around with others that and working out to T25 as well...I see everyone here so far are a week ahead of me...feel free to add me...all smiles
  • I started this morning. I did month 1 of insanity before and as a first impression I don't think this will be as tough. :ohwell:
    I mean, I could keep up with the "normal" moves, but at the end I had some leftover energy (NEVER happened to me with Insanity.
    I hope I can see some results, even without feeling the burn so much as I thought.:wink:

    Anyway, I'm in for the challenge/ support group :heart:
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    T25.......a great burn of a program. Give me T25 or P90X3 any day.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I will start on September 1st. I've done the full program before & am ready again!
  • Will start with you on sept 1
  • Ljmcbryde
    Ljmcbryde Posts: 10 Member
    Is it too late to join. I will be getting mine in the mail tomorrow or Wed. I would love to be part of a challenge group to keep me motivated!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    @ the above poster: It's never too late to join!!!!

    Did Cardio yesterday. Calves were tight as a drum today!:sad: But I rode the ex bike 5 miles (as a warm up) before this mornings Speed 101. I did not burn as many cals today as yesterday. Maybe cuz I did it at 5:30 in the morning & also because of Shaun T stopping to do the stretches! Also did a 2 mile run on the TM! I have got to lose at least 15 pounds that I have gained since January, blehhhh I feel like a cow!!!