Coming back after a long time away

valve90210 Posts: 11 Member
Hi All

Back in January my long term relationship broke up smashing my world into pieces and since then I've been in a horrible cycle of comfort eating and have put on quite a lot weight on top of what I already needed to lose.

Today despite feeling really fed up and down, I've made the decision to get back on here and try to get my eating back on track and lose weight as I know being overweight really doesn't help me feel any better.

Any advice and motivation and support will be very much appreciated as I use this thread to document my journey.


  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome back. MFP is a great place for fresh start. What kind of exercise are you going to do today?
  • valve90210
    valve90210 Posts: 11 Member
    At present I'm not really going to be doing any exercise as I just don't have the opportunity due to having a young son so most of my mornings and evenings are taken up spending time with him, which is the only time I get as I'm at work all day.
  • KattyLemon
    Hi there, I recently came out of a 6 year relationship, it hurts but it will get better!
    As in terms of exercise maybe you could look up some childrens songs online, they also have videos on Youtube to have a little dance along with your child! You could both stay healthy and have fun at the same time?

    - Good Luck : )
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome back!!!!!

    Sorry to hear you've been through a really crappy time :-(

    I think you should get your young son involved in your exercise - go for walks, take a football, play at the park with him. It'll be really fun, a great way to interact at his level and you'll also be helping him to associate with exercise positively.

    I wish you the best of luck, keep your head up and stay strong!
  • takkyboomboom
    takkyboomboom Posts: 43 Member
    That first decision is the hardest so well done for making it. You'll be ok. :)
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    Not sure how old your son is but I like to wrestle and play with my kids a lot. They are 3 and 5. You can also lift your son up and pretend he is flying around the house. Take him to the park, play catch, soccer, run around with him on the playground (tag, you're it). You should teach your son to be active, think about his health as well. It is very psychologically rewarding and should put a smile on both of your faces.

    But regardless of this, diet really is a huge factor in over all health. The only way to avoid comfort eating is to plan for healthy eating and don't have tempting foods in the house that are likely to replace the vegetables you bought. Every Sunday plan your week and get all the groceries you need for all your meals. Most junk food is empty calories, that makes it easy to eat a lot and gain weight.

    Here are my basic food rules:

    1. Only eat carbs/sugar in the morning/lunch because they provide energy for the day. You don't need energy to sleep.
    2. Drink mostly water (do not buy juice and pop).
    3. Green tea with nothing in it or black coffee if you need caffeine.
    4. Don't eat within 2 hours of going to bed, if you do it should have very little sugar and fat in it.

    It is all about routine.

    Good luck!
  • evitaevita12
    evitaevita12 Posts: 69 Member
    welcome back. You can do this! Feel free to send me an invite.
  • valve90210
    valve90210 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, I do try to play with my little boy as much as I can, and do encourage him to be active as much as possible. I like the idea of including him in some play and making it active like my exercise for the day, I will see if I can work that into each day.