Your fav low calorie recipe!?

imn0tlykeher Posts: 41 Member
I am going grocery shopping tonight and I need some ideas I want to try some new low calorie recipes!! :) So what's your favorite?


  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    Hmm... roasted carrot fries? Their yummy and about 105-ish calories for a cup's worth. I make a whole batch and put them in the fridge. They last a week if my grandmother doesn't sneak into them!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Grilled or roasted mushrooms with a litle bit of hamburger or steak seasoning. I spray them with olive oil cooking spray.
  • GrandmaJackee
    GrandmaJackee Posts: 46 Member
    Roasted carrot fries? Sounds good, how do you make them?
  • dianasustaita37
    dianasustaita37 Posts: 58 Member
  • unlikelyathlete
    unlikelyathlete Posts: 62 Member
    1 microwave baked potato, as small as you can find
    1/4 cup (measure it!) shredded cheese
    1/5 avocado
    2 T salsa
    3 oz whatever meat or meat substitute you want

    Microwave potato for 7-8 minutes. (Poke holes in it with a fork if you didn't get one of those prepackaged potatoes!!!)
    cut potato in half and then fourths so that it lays flat.
    Brown meat.
    While potato is still hot, sprinkle shredded cheese across it. Then put meat on top. Then salsa, then chunks of avocado.

    The whole recipe is right around or a little under 400 calories and is very filling.
  • kherrons
    kherrons Posts: 99 Member
    Roasted spaghetti squash with sautéed mushrooms, thyme, and Parmesan -- sooo good for something so simple.