Skipping a work-out day

patjad Posts: 55 Member
I don't know if anyone can relate but I feel pretty down when I skip a day of working out. I work out often, 6 times a week usually--30-40 minutes of running & hit the machines for full body workout. There's usually one day of the week that I just lose all interest in working out so I skip it. The entire day I feel so guilty though and start to overthink if the one day is going to add pounds!! Does anyone else have this problem?


  • ketchuplover
    Even God rested. Chill out!
  • lisabedmunds
    I agree! Your body needs to rest at least one day! Six days a week of that kind of working out is PLENTY! Way to go!!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    It's actually better for you. Muscle is built when the tiny tears that working out causes to them are repaired. If you don't give them the occasional day off, those tears never get fully repaired, which actually hinders muscle development. So taking a day a week (or even 2) is actually doing yourself a favor and promoting muscle development.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    HEY! You sound just like me - that was totally me yesterday. I go everyday Treadmill, Elliptical, whatever 35-45 min each day. It felt so nice to take a break. My body needed it. Today is apparently your day. Don't worry about it, just eat your calories, not overload, and get back at it tomorrow! Trust me, I did it after loads of feeling guilty and I think I made the best decision!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I'd have to say the only time I have that problem is if I'm being lazy ... if I'm productive on my rest day, then I don't feel so bad. We do need to rest for a little. But yes, if my rest day involves me hanging around the TV, I feel guilty. I try to schedule activities with friends/family or work on my scrapbooking or cleaning my house instead.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I totally feel bad for taking a day off even though i know i shouldnt ! . I exercise around 5 times a week for an hour ... and i really have to tell myself to take two days rest and the body needs it ...i do feel guilty but its all in the mind...2 days off a week isnt going to make me pile the pounds back on! i do find it hard though and i try not to beat myself up over it...its not worth it ! in fact im taking a rest day today :)
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    p.s im really glad you posted this ..its nice to know other people feel the same way :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I exercise 5 days a week and while I'm not to the point that I actually love going to the gym, I don't get burned out.

    Try giving yourself two days off, your body and mind need the rest!
  • NuclearGirl
    I've found that my workouts are much better when I go to the gym on alternate days - the other days I just do a lighter workout at home on the Wii - cardio & stretching or yoga. It stops me from injuring myself and keeps my interest going. I have one of those all or nothing types of personality, so it helps me to sustain my new exercise regime if I don't go at it like crazy - I've learned this from experience in the past.
    I also think that because I want to make a change for life, there's no way that I could keep going to the gym every day - so I want to get into a routine that is going to be manageable long term.
    So don't beat yourself up about it - try doing some stretching, yoga or other relaxation exercises on your 'day off' - you need to get your psyche in shape too!
  • patjad
    patjad Posts: 55 Member
    thanks everyone, it's funny how a few comments really helped. I'm going to enjoy a day off :happy:

    and i'm definitely glad there's other people who can relate, too!!
  • omgsayalathieo
    Its ok, don't stress it. Your body needs a day off!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    You def need a day or two for your muscles to recover between workouts but if youre feeling bad about taking a day off you can always go take a nice walk... try to seperate your work outs by doing strength training one day and cardio the next- that way one day youre building muscle and the next burning fat and letting your mucles recover from the day before.
    Being active doesnt always mean you need a hard core work out- get outside for a walk or go swimming etc...even housework burns calories-the point is to keep moving.