Nee some race entry advice...

c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey friends!! so. a quick little explanation of where Im coming from...I started running in December of 2009, doing couch to 5k and I completed it twice before my frist 5k race in October 2010. I have since run a race every month, so I have completed 4. My times continue to drop, from 29ish to 27:23 in my last race. I have done road races and one cross country off road course. Heres the deal....I am running two more 5ks that I am registered for, in February and March. that wil make 6 completed races. I have Halloway's book on running and have been wanting to start the time-goal taining program for a 5k in 23ish mins, but have not been able to get organized to go to a measured track for the drills and cadence stuff, but I definitely want to do this. My weekly running goal (with variable success :) is 26 miles, I run a few times indoors, and at least two times outside on hilly trails or xc courses.
So finally to my question, in April I can sign up for either a 5k, 10k or Half. what should I aim for?? If my body continues to cooperate and not feel injured, I feel like I could do the work required to get through a longer distance run...but thats just it, its a lot of training. Anyone else have similar training/race schedules that can share experience?


  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    haha oops, thats "NEED" in the title.
  • there's a local 10k i've been wanting to do for years. due to injury i haven't been able to do it. this year is my year. i did a 5k in nov and survived without injury so who knows there's a half marathon next year i have my eye on if i survive this one.
  • yvfitness1
    yvfitness1 Posts: 20 Member
    If I were you I would aim high and expect good results. If you're not ready by the time you have the race you could always pull out and join the next race. But by having a goal to work towards you keep yourself motivated!
  • I've been a cross country runner the past 6 years of my life. My best time being 19:51. I would say push yourself as if you are training for a longer race, and run the 5K. You will reach you goal to be in the 23ish range if you train as if you are to run an 8K. Interval running does wonders! I call it a "minutes run". You start off running 1 min, jogging 1 min, running 2 min, jogging 2 min, etc. up to 6 min. and back down. At the start of your training work on distance, and time. Go on 35-70 minute runs a day at an easy pace. In time, speed will come. Hope this helps :)
  • hdchic78
    hdchic78 Posts: 31 Member
    I've run many a 5K, 10K and (6) 1/2 marathons..... I'd say that you should gradually build up.....if you feel comfortable at the 5K distance and current pace, then move up to a 10K, once your mind and body have mastered the 10K, move up to a 1/2 marathon...... I wouldn't push yourself further than you are ready for right now, it's a steady game of building a slightly bigger base each time you run.....
  • jodes4401
    jodes4401 Posts: 11 Member
    Like you...I have been running 5K's for a little over a year now, and Im registered for my first half in May....Im using Galloways training schedule for 17weeks...I think you should go for the half...Im finding that pushing myself is really really teaching me so much about myself along the way...I didnt realize how tough I really was!!!!!!!!!!! Great Job, lacing up and pounding the pavement!
  • crazyrun
    crazyrun Posts: 4 Member
    I am a runner and i believe you need to up your distance. I would either do the 10k if you feel your not ready. But i believe you can do the 1/2 marathon. You can run/walk it if you like. Its important to increase your mileage so you can improve. Your 5k time is great. Just remember you will have to keep a slower pace when you increase your mileage so you dont injury yourself and you have enough energy to complete the race. I think you are on the right path and you should challenge yourself.
  • tuttie2830
    tuttie2830 Posts: 12
    I always wanted to do the crescent city classic a popular 10k here. As you ive had multiple injuries. I walked it but it was a great feeling just finishing it. It took me many months of training. So go ahead. My time this year was 2hr2min. I also do 5ks.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    If you have a 26 mi/week base then you are doing just fine, and you should be good to sign up for any of them!

    If your goal is to lower your 5k times, you not only need to be doing the speed/track drills you mentioned, but you also need to be running long and slow, if you aren't already. To that end, if it were me, I would sign up for the half- train easy for that, with maybe one or two days a week of speed training, and go from there.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Heh, I just realized OP is from January.
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