Master cleanse

Hey I'm currently at a healthy weight but want to drop 8lbs in 2 weeks for my holidays
I am aware that most of it will be water weight but would like a boost to feel good on the beach :)

Do you think the master cleanse would work?
Has anyone tried it?
Was also thinking about just taking my lean body protein powders to try and drop water weight? Xxx


  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Trying to lose 8 lbs of mostly water weight before your holiday seems nonsensical to me. So you will feel good on the beach on day 1 and by day 2 (unless of course you intend to continue this cleanse on your holidays) all that water weight will be back?

    Eat a balanced, nutritious diet, in moderation, drop a small amount of weight and feel good about the fact your are a healthy weight already
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Congrats on the sudden holiday that you didn't know about until today.

    Unless you plan on not drinking during your holiday, how do you plan on keeping off whatever water weight you might lose before then?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Trying to lose 8 lbs of mostly water weight before your holiday seems nonsensical to me. So you will feel good on the beach on day 1 and by day 2 (unless of course you intend to continue this cleanse on your holidays) all that water weight will be back?

    Eat a balanced, nutritious diet, in moderation, drop a small amount of weight and feel good about the fact your are a healthy weight already

    This. Buy some new outfits that flatter your body for your holiday and enjoy yourself.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I've tried the master cleanse several times in the past and my advice would be, don't do it. Yes, you can lose a lot of weight very quickly. But I also lost a ton of lean body mass. By the end of my third 10 day cleanse I had lost around 10 lbs of muscle, and my metabolism has never fully recovered. By the end of each cleanse i would get so dizzy i could barely stand up in the shower in the mornings. Plus, the smell of cayenne pepper just nauseates me now and it's been 7 years! The master cleanse is a quick short-term solution, but it's not easy and you may harm yourself in the long term.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I've tried the master cleanse several times in the past and my advice would be, don't do it. Yes, you can lose a lot of weight very quickly. But I also lost a ton of lean body mass. By the end of my third 10 day cleanse I had lost around 10 lbs of muscle, and my metabolism has never fully recovered. By the end of each cleanse i would get so dizzy i could barely stand up in the shower in the mornings. Plus, the smell of cayenne pepper just nauseates me now and it's been 7 years! The master cleanse is a quick short-term solution, but it's not easy and you may harm yourself in the long term.

  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Sounds like a recipe for starting off your holiday feeling terrible, with no energy, and maybe some digestive issues to go along with it. What a waste!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    This image is a false-coloured scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of human intestinal bacteria. The human gut is teeming with bacteria, which help us digest food and absorb nutrients. When you do a cleanse you kill or flush out a good portion of the bacteria that's helping your body absorb the things it needs.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Don't do it.
    Bad idea, bad for health, won't lose more than a few pounds, which you quickly regain.
    If your liver & kidneys function normally, they're doing all the cleansing you need.
    If they're not functioning normally, you need more than spicy lemonaide to avoid dying.

    Here's a thread started by someone who shares her personal experience.
    I've included some of the comments from her & other members.
    "the cleanse.. was an easy weight loss.. but it doesn't last long.. the side effects outweighs the benefits by a long run ... I was too fatigue[d] to even carry out a conversation"

    "I tried master cleanse a long time ago and after a few days got violently ill"

    "I have now done the Master Cleanse twice, and both times, I gained the weight back that I lost, and a little more, too"

    "i would never do it again. it was more of challenge than for weight loss and after day 3 it was easy but then you get all of these weird side effects (tongue turns color, breath smells, you are exhausted and irritable, you can't digest any food after and the thoughts you get about food during this are unhealthy)"

    Here's another thread (of hundreds) about the Master Cleanse.

    Use the search function & you'll find plenty of similar info.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Sounds like a recipe for starting off your holiday feeling terrible, with no energy, and maybe some digestive issues to go along with it. What a waste!

    My thoughts exactly.
    I want to go on vacation feeling piss poor and have no energy to enjoy myself. Said no one, ever.

    Don't do it.
  • 68cheeky
    68cheeky Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first post on this forum. I'm on day 8 of the Master Cleanse. I feel fantastic. I'm sleeping well. I'm not cranky. I'm not sick. I have no cravings - not one. I understand if others don't want to do it, don't feel well doing it, or don't have the willpower to stick with it, but there's no need to be so negative. What I've gained from this in just 8 days:

    I've kicked caffeine - 1 to 2 coffees a day from Tim Hortons, every day. It's a change I want to keep. By just doing this, I am down about 84,000 calories in one year.
    I've kicked diet pop - 1 - 2 glasses a day and we all know aspartame is pure poison.
    Beer - no longer a desire for me. I will drink vodka/water when I finish my cleanse. Another lifestyle change that will save me countless calories in the run of a year.

    For the people who say it's a money grab, I spent $15 all week last week. I would spend more than that in coffee in a normal week, and then have to buy food to feed myself too. A bottle of real maple syrup will last you about 3 weeks on this cleanse.

    I have the strength and the desire to make positive changes in my eating habits that will ultimately help me to lose weight. Sometimes we need help with our addictions. I've tried giving up any one of these before with no success. If this helps me do it, then it is not a bad thing. If I lose some weight while I'm at it, even better. It's not the solution to weight loss, but it's a helluva way to kick some of the nastier habits that lead to the original gain.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Short term side effects include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and dehydration, while long term harm includes loss of muscle mass.

    It's from a book from the 1940s called Healing for the Age of Enlightenment. It was then repackaged by the scientologists. So maybe you'll remove some thetans while you're at it.

    It's dumb, don't do it.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    This is my first post on this forum. I'm on day 8 of the Master Cleanse. I feel fantastic. I'm sleeping well. I'm not cranky. I'm not sick. I have no cravings - not one. I understand if others don't want to do it, don't feel well doing it, or don't have the willpower to stick with it, but there's no need to be so negative. What I've gained from this in just 8 days:

    I've kicked caffeine - 1 to 2 coffees a day from Tim Hortons, every day. It's a change I want to keep. By just doing this, I am down about 84,000 calories in one year.
    I've kicked diet pop - 1 - 2 glasses a day and we all know aspartame is pure poison.
    Beer - no longer a desire for me. I will drink vodka/water when I finish my cleanse. Another lifestyle change that will save me countless calories in the run of a year.

    For the people who say it's a money grab, I spent $15 all week last week. I would spend more than that in coffee in a normal week, and then have to buy food to feed myself too. A bottle of real maple syrup will last you about 3 weeks on this cleanse.

    I have the strength and the desire to make positive changes in my eating habits that will ultimately help me to lose weight. Sometimes we need help with our addictions. I've tried giving up any one of these before with no success. If this helps me do it, then it is not a bad thing. If I lose some weight while I'm at it, even better. It's not the solution to weight loss, but it's a helluva way to kick some of the nastier habits that lead to the original gain.

    Edit: Misread sorry

    To the OP - basically what everyone else (besides this poster) said...
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    This is my first post on this forum. I'm on day 8 of the Master Cleanse. I feel fantastic. I'm sleeping well. I'm not cranky. I'm not sick. I have no cravings - not one. I understand if others don't want to do it, don't feel well doing it, or don't have the willpower to stick with it, but there's no need to be so negative. What I've gained from this in just 8 days:

    I've kicked caffeine - 1 to 2 coffees a day from Tim Hortons, every day. It's a change I want to keep. By just doing this, I am down about 84,000 calories in one year.
    I've kicked diet pop - 1 - 2 glasses a day and we all know aspartame is pure poison.
    Beer - no longer a desire for me. I will drink vodka/water when I finish my cleanse. Another lifestyle change that will save me countless calories in the run of a year.

    For the people who say it's a money grab, I spent $15 all week last week. I would spend more than that in coffee in a normal week, and then have to buy food to feed myself too. A bottle of real maple syrup will last you about 3 weeks on this cleanse.

    I have the strength and the desire to make positive changes in my eating habits that will ultimately help me to lose weight. Sometimes we need help with our addictions. I've tried giving up any one of these before with no success. If this helps me do it, then it is not a bad thing. If I lose some weight while I'm at it, even better. It's not the solution to weight loss, but it's a helluva way to kick some of the nastier habits that lead to the original gain.

    So you're spending $800 per year, *and* you have to give up coffee and beer to boot? No wonder everyone recommends not doing this cleanse!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If you're going to do a crash diet, at least do one that's intelligently designed to spare lean mass. Drinking maple syrup lemonade all week is just stupid.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...because it's one of those rare topics where people who normally don't agree on anything can find common ground.

    OP, this is a Very Bad Idea™.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    This is my first post on this forum. I'm on day 8 of the Master Cleanse. I feel fantastic. I'm sleeping well. I'm not cranky. I'm not sick. I have no cravings - not one. I understand if others don't want to do it, don't feel well doing it, or don't have the willpower to stick with it, but there's no need to be so negative. What I've gained from this in just 8 days:

    I've kicked caffeine - 1 to 2 coffees a day from Tim Hortons, every day. It's a change I want to keep. By just doing this, I am down about 84,000 calories in one year.
    I've kicked diet pop - 1 - 2 glasses a day and we all know aspartame is pure poison.
    Beer - no longer a desire for me. I will drink vodka/water when I finish my cleanse. Another lifestyle change that will save me countless calories in the run of a year.

    For the people who say it's a money grab, I spent $15 all week last week. I would spend more than that in coffee in a normal week, and then have to buy food to feed myself too. A bottle of real maple syrup will last you about 3 weeks on this cleanse.

    I have the strength and the desire to make positive changes in my eating habits that will ultimately help me to lose weight. Sometimes we need help with our addictions. I've tried giving up any one of these before with no success. If this helps me do it, then it is not a bad thing. If I lose some weight while I'm at it, even better. It's not the solution to weight loss, but it's a helluva way to kick some of the nastier habits that lead to the original gain.

    The original thread that you bumped is almost a month old. The two-week deadline the OP imposed is already over. I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish by resurrecting the thread?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    "I am currently at a healthy weight"


    "I want to lose 8 pounds in two weeks"


    if you are healthy now, why the drastic loss?
    enjoy the body you have
    enjoy the vacation in good health
    not sick because of a side effect of a massive cut in water weight or some other silly cleanse idea.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member

    I've kicked caffeine - 1 to 2 coffees a day from Tim Hortons, every day. It's a change I want to keep. By just doing this, I am down about 84,000 calories in one year.
    I've kicked diet pop - 1 - 2 glasses a day and we all know aspartame is pure poison.
    Beer - no longer a desire for me. I will drink vodka/water when I finish my cleanse. Another lifestyle change that will save me countless calories in the run of a year.

    After only 8 days I don't think you can claim you've kicked anything.