Haven't been eating enough for awhile, please help!

Hello everyone. So probably for the past 2 or 3 months my total intake per day has been anywhere from 800 to 1300 calories and I know this is bad. My weight has also hit a plateau and I have not lost any weight despite being active for months now. I now believe that this is due to the fact that I haven't been fueling my body properly and I want to increase my intake the right way. I do have my concerns though; will increasing my intake make me gain weight? Will eating the right amount allow for my body to lose weight as well? I appreciate all of your opinions and advice in regards to my situation :)


  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    If your profile pic is current it doesn't look like you have any weight to lose... Set your goal to lose .5/week and eat at the MFP suggestions. You may notice a slight increase at first but if you keep eating under your maintenance calories you'll even out and start losing again.
  • CaptnSasquatch
    Come on - you're lovely just the way you are. You're beautiful. Eat normally and be kind to yourself. 800 calories is not enough, but you already know that. If you actually need real help - you are not going to find it here. Talk to a professional or go to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. That might sound WEIRD because - obviously - you are NOT over eating - but OA today is for people who don't eat enough (anorexic) or who make themselves throw up (bulimic) or cannot stop themselves from eating too much of what they don't want (overeaters). There are a lot of people just like you in the OA meetings I go to. My guess is that you feel that nothing you do is "good enough". You are not happy regardless of your body size. You might feel bursts of inspiration, but lasting happiness - nope. If you get attention from a person you like that can immediately lift your self-esteem, but that never lasts. You have a body that many women would love to have - and a body men want - but you are still not happy. So, it has nothing to do with your body - it has to do with the unhappiness you carry inside of you. Don't wait to be happy - be happy now.