snacks for pre k class

I need ideas for snacks to send to my sons pre k class. i was informed today that i have snack duty tomorrow. the only restrictions is no blue berries. nuts, gluten, wheat, all of that is fine. something simple but something fun that my son can help prepare.

please and thank you!


  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    hmmm, making a snack for pre-k? I admit I always just bought snacks for my kids classes (slacker yes lol) what about ants on a log? Not too sure about the fun factor for a kids making them but you never know! If I think of anything else I'll post it.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Depending on the age of pre-kers (3 vs. 4 yr olds), you can do celery/pb, cheese cubes, apple slices/pb, raisins, carrots, grapes (I wouldn't bring the carrots/grapes if most of the kids are under 4), air-popped popcorn (again, only for the 4+), sunflower seeds.
  • tweedledee16
    tweedledee16 Posts: 58 Member
    Maybe like crackers with cheese and ham cut into shapes with a mini cookie-cutter? My son goes nuts for those Mickey Mouse shaped cheese they sell now, and he's 3 1/2!
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Someone posted a recipe here for banana bonbons a few days ago. They would be super cute made with pretzel sticks, do a search for them.
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    In my school district, the snacks have to be pre-packaged. No homemade treats allowed. Kind of a bummer.
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    With our kids, we just did something easy like apple slices and things like that. It's quick and easy and most kids like apple slices.

    You do the slicing and let him dip them in some pineapple or orange juice to keep them from turning brown.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Orange smiles, ants on a log, graham crackers with a couple options of things to put on them or dip them in...
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Maybe you can do fruit/cracker with a yogurt/cream cheese/strawberry dip?
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    In my school district, the snacks have to be pre-packaged. No homemade treats allowed. Kind of a bummer.

    This makes me so sad!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member