Today is the day...

I am 5 foot 9. 250 lbs. I am 27 years old and I currently smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. But not anymore.

About a year ago I found MFP and used it along with daily exercise to drop 35 lbs in 3 months. Then thanksgiving hit and I completely fell off the wagon. I started smoking again and eating a days worth of calories in a single sitting.

But today I was at work, on a call with a customer and my chest got really tight and painful. I broke out in a sweat and legit thought I was having a heart attack....

Turns out it was gas (lol) but it scared the crap out of me. I broke my remaining cigarettes and threw them away. I logged in for the first time in a long time and tracked my calories thus far for the day.

Today marks the first day of the rest of my life. I'm putting it on my calendar. Today I leave who I was behind and begin to be who I am meant to be.


  • jadeous
    jadeous Posts: 133 Member
    That's scary, but at least you are using it as motivation to change your life. Good luck on your journey :)
  • zazazik
    zazazik Posts: 53 Member
    You can do it, just remind yourself everyday (morning, noon, evening) of that awful chest tightening feeling. I quit smoking cold turkey 7 years ago, on my ninth try and the almost "self hypnotizing" helped. Find a word or phrase, get an alarm sound and repeat it periodically during the day and keep strong. Yes you can !!! :)
  • luna323
    luna323 Posts: 25 Member
    Taking one day at a time, you can do it! It takes a lot of courage and will power to quit smoking. You are awesome for quitting! Stay focus and your strength will keep you moving. You can do it!
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    I know how scary that must have been. Good for you for cutting them in half. I lost my sweet mother because she smoked from the time she was 13 years old. She even quit for several years, but started back again. She had heart attacks, strokes, and a massive stroke that took her. It was awful and enough to remind me never to touch a cigarette.

    You might consider printing your post and putting it somewhere that you can see it every day. Never forget how you are feeling today. The day I saw how awful I looked in a picture, I posted that picture on my desk. I want to take it down, but it reminds me how I looked 10 pounds ago and how much more I want to lose. I also wrote down things I wanted to accomplish. I have done everything on my list, but still struggle on drinking wine, but have cut it to the weekends only.

    You can do this! We believe in YOU! Please add me as a friend and we can motiviate each other. Best of luck!
  • nathangilstrap
    nathangilstrap Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys! There is a fantastic community here. Looking forward to keeping you all updated as I go.

    I even signed up for a Planet Fitness gym membership today. Going to pick up my membership tag after work today. :)
  • nathangilstrap
    nathangilstrap Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it, just remind yourself everyday (morning, noon, evening) of that awful chest tightening feeling. I quit smoking cold turkey 7 years ago, on my ninth try and the almost "self hypnotizing" helped. Find a word or phrase, get an alarm sound and repeat it periodically during the day and keep strong. Yes you can !!! :)

    These are good tips. I'll try some of them out!
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Nathan, you can do it. You don't want to die young. I am brutally honest, you are on your way if you don't change. I too was having the chest pains, from over eating, and the wrong foods. I have lost 26 lbs and feel fabulous. Add me as a friend if you like and we can regain our lives!!