Ladies out there with muscular calves

Hi there. So I've had muscular calves pretty much my whole life. I quite honestly hated them. I thought they made me look like a man. I'm still quite self conscious about them even now but I'm learning to embrace them. I realise how strong and shapely they are and I love the fact they're bigger than most men's calves. Kind of makes me feel proud of them.

Of course there is the issue with finding boots that fit. That's a constant nightmare. It's really hard to find boots that fit 17 inch calves. But I've learned to accept that fate too. Maybe I just wasn't made for them.

Any other ladies out there have muscular calves? How do you feel about them. Do you wish they were smaller or are you fine with them as they are?


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    they make wide calf boots so don't stress
  • jasmang
    jasmang Posts: 48 Member
    I'm short and I have super muscular calves, so sometimes I feel like they make me look more thick than I wish I did... but then I remind myself that I am strong and my calves can do more than super skinny calves can :) My boots are always tough to zip up!! Haha.
  • Kate_Bot
    Kate_Bot Posts: 19 Member
    I like your new attitude of focusing on the strength of your calves.

    I'd like to add another voice to the "get wide-calf boots" suggestion. It stakes the stress out of shopping.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hi! I too have had very muscular calves my whole life. I think it was in grade 5 or 6 a male classmate once shouted to me when we were at recess "you have MASSIVE calves!" about making a young girl self conscious about it early on! :embarassed:
    Since then I have learned to embrace them, they do look great when I wear a pair of high heels :wink: