what do you do when your doing good then slip

BlueyesJ Posts: 12 Member
i was 15 days into tracking my food and starting to feel good wasn't losing any weight but could feel a bit thinner
then i went camping for 3 days and kinda blew it how do i get back on track again ....

i seem to cave at 2 weeks .... i honestly cut out the crap food and started eating better any tips



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Vacation's over, start logging! You just do it!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    It's all about your mindset. When you are ready to lose the weight - you will. It will be your priority. You will not let anything or anybodystand in your way.

    I hope you are there because it makes things so much easier. Once your health is your focus, the changes you make in diet and training will become your way of life.

    For now, just get back on your plan today. Keep moving forward. When you get to the 2 week mark? Tell yourself that this time you're going 3 weeks. Rinse. Repeat.

    Best of luck! (and I love you hair) :flowerforyou:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Log it and move on. Just pick up where you left off. Vacations happen. So do birthdays, holidays, weddings, dinners out, etc. Do your best to eat well, but don't beat yourself up or deny yourself over a splurge - it's part of life. So is fitness and eating well - just keep going. :smile:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Just say "whoops!" and go right back to eating correctly. Everybody does it at some point.
  • bjderemer
    bjderemer Posts: 4 Member
    Decide you are going to start logging tomorrow and do it. Don't give up because you didn't log for a few days.
  • wgaue
    wgaue Posts: 222 Member
    So you slipped. Get back up. Brush yourself off. And start over.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    So you slipped. Get back up. Brush yourself off. And start over.


    But I tend to disagree with the "start over" attitude. Repeated efforts to "start over" can be frustrating and counter-productive. That's why I have never "started over" after a "bad" meal, day or month. I just "continue on" from where I left off.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    We all slip, it's how we deal with it afterwards that counts. Just dust yourself off, say no big deal, I'm in this for the long haul and get back to it. You'd be amazed at how often the slips, if we get right back on, don't even end up making a difference. Now, not getting back on right away is when you have a problem. You got this!! For me, I felt like the 3 month mark was when my lifestyle change really became a set way of life. I still have times where I don't worry about it, like Baconfest yesterday, or on a vacation, but I get right back to it after my unusual circumstances are over.
  • Fuchmylife
    Fuchmylife Posts: 17 Member
    I quit all together and spiraled out of control....gave back all my loses.....lost 45lbs put 40 back on....now, Im just fat and depressed. Did I enjoy my spiral out of control, oh yea, drinking, food, whatever I wanted....but you know what......

    I feel like crap today.......it wasn't worth it. Now I feel like a failure and its sad.......so.....

    Let your slip up be ok, just don't stop....start right back up...don't say, you will tomorrow, because tomorrow can be 6 months away....just start.......
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    It happens. Sometimes for a day sometimes several.
    When you start to feel great eating right it's easy to jump back after slipping.
    Speaking from 1 year today on MFP !
  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    Stop focusing on what you did or didn't do, just start tracking right away and move forward. Don't wait until tomorrow or next week or you will keep on making excuses and before you know it...a year will have passed and you will be still fighting the same battle to lose weight.
  • gilmore606
    gilmore606 Posts: 45 Member
    bro you know that primal scream therapy what you need is to do that but with food i'm talkin about cheeseburgers til you want to die you feel me well hope that helps peace
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Move on and continue the next day. Weekly and monthly progress is more important IMO...
  • kyach
    kyach Posts: 17
    agree with those that say log it and move on. you will have days that aren't great. in fact -- I don't even log at least 1 day a week. a cheat day occasionally. don't get down about it. just keep going. Very important: if you aren't getting enough protein--- I highly recommend it. Protein keeps you full longer. I started adding protein powder to smoothies and occasionally an advocare meal replacement shake (that has 24 grams of protein and keeps me satisfied from morning until almost lunch. late morning a healthy snack-- apple or melon gets me through to lunch...
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Just continue on - If you have trouble at 2 weeks maybe you want to plan a cheat meal @ 2 weeks - go for pizza on a Saturday
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    In my opinion, I thing getting rid of "good" and "bad" mentality helps. I eat well mostly, but I don't believe in depriving myself either. I follow. If you think of it as a diet, you will eventually have what you refer to as bad days. I think portion control and following Canadas Food Guide (or Food Pyramid if you're the Us) is what works best for me. I recommend checking out www.ellynsatter.com and read her section on How to Eat. Ellyn is a well respected Dietitian; she has a wonerful philosophy on eating competency.

    I also recommend logging everything! If you bite it, write it. Even if you go over your calories, it's good to help stay accountable.
  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    Also, if you know you are prone to slipping after a few weeks, try planning ahead - book a weekend of healthy activities, schedule gym dates, plan ahead for healthy meals to help you get over that recurring road block. You can do it!
  • micheledavison39
    micheledavison39 Posts: 821 Member
    I hear you. I have been on for over a year and I think this is the longest I have ever consistently tracked my food, day 16 today (the most weight I have consistently lost too, so there is a correlation for me at least!).

    I have taken to taking my days an hour at a time. If I "blow it" and go over at lunch, I log it anyway and plan something less for dinner so I am not too far over or I work in a little more walking so I have a few more calories to work with. Planning has been key, I bring breakfast and lunch and keep only healthy snacks at work now and in my bag for emergencies. No more waiting until 6:30/7 to decide whats for dinner because I planned meals out for the week that I can mix and match and still end up at or under my calorie goals. I am not forbidding myself any foods, I had Chinese the other day and stayed under my calories (over on salt, but everything else was fine), I also allow 100 calories of chocolate a day, it's built right in so I don't feel that I am cheating and if I don't eat it, I have more calories for something else.

    Each day is also a new beginning, yesterday is done and over with so don't keep beating yourself up over it, but do make yourself the promise that you will do your best to not repeat yesterday again today. I have also taken to asking myself if the junk is really worth it? Will I like how I feel after eating it? Do I really want to work out ANOTHER hour today to burn off the extra? So far the answer has been a resounding NO. So far so good this time, but it took more than a year to get to this point where I can say that.

    You can do it, just keep plugging away at it.