Eating differences between me and my partner.

Hi everyone, So I am new to this site and am about a week in to my new lifestyle. I am finding it very difficult so far though, my boyfriend and I have very different eating habits. I am trying to make the changes but when I see him eating the foods I used to eat it makes me so frustrated and I give in a little. I'm not sure exactly what to do about this and was wondering if someone else has had this problem and a way to overcome it. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Also, I have mentioned before about bringing really unhealthy food into the house but he is not willing to give up a lot of the old foods. Which I understand but I just need help!


  • hannahjay1994
    hannahjay1994 Posts: 6 Member
    My boyfriend will never eat a healthy diet until the day he dies, but if I'm on a diet or a health kick, he's always supportive enough to go with it for the first week or so. After that he looses enthusiasm and goes back to the junk food, but it's enough to get me started :) The first bit is always the hardest x
  • My husband acts as if most fruits and veggies are poison. It made the first few days very hard. I have just been cooking two different meals but with the same meat. We eat a lot of chicken, so usually I make a potato for him and put my chicken on a salad. Thankfully I love avocados, so I can tell myself its either have half of an avocado on my salad or eat whatever unhealthy side I made him. Usually the avocado is enough to prompt me to make the healthier choice. I am really struggling with all of the pop kept in the house. We both used to drink a can or two a day, he still does. I would rather I just didn't keep it around, but if I didn't he would be going to the gas station once or twice a day to buy a bottle at $2 a piece. Money is an issue, so I keep it around to try to prevent that. He also suggests fast food a lot (not as much as he used to) but I just have to find my voice and say no. I really don't have enough self control to sit here and watch him eat it. Having a partner who doesn't share the same healthy diet goals you do is a lot of give and take. Some food items can be an exercise in self control. You can't always avoid your favorite unhealthy foods. However, if their is a food you know you cannot control yourself around find your voice and say that if they want to eat it they need to eat it away from you or keep it elsewhere. Thankfully MFP is a great resource for finding others who are determined to make healthy lifestyle changes with you. In past weight loss attempts I haven't had any support at home which made it easier to give up (not blaming anyone else, it was my choice to give up and I own it). Now I log on to MFP and see all of my friends going so well. It is inspiring and makes me feel like I am not going it alone. Feel free to add me!
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    You can still eat the foods he eats, just learn moderation. Restriction will only make things harder. You could also introduce him to new healthy foods! It goes both ways.
  • Just wanted to add- Find your favorite 'healthy naughty food'. When I am really craving the pop I have a zero calorie carbonated cherry flavored water. When I am not drinking pop every day it comes really close to having a cherry pepsi. I also have Luigi's Italian Ice. At 70 calories with no sugar, it fills the need for a sweet frozen treat while I watch him eat ice cream (to be completely honest though if I have calories at the end of the day I will indulge in ice cream with him).
  • MeowJolene
    MeowJolene Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you very much for the advice, I already find it easier since I have started this website. Everyone is so nice here. Instead of pop I will walk to the store and get a Zevia now. Still has the fizzyness of a pop but none of the bad stuff! :] We have been eating the same meat usually and I change up my side dish as well. But tonight I guess I'm just feeling a bit more down about it since he ordered in take out and I had my salad. I indulged a little bit and had some garlic fingers. I stayed under my calorie intake for the day so I guess it's not so bad.