Feeling like my metabolism is in hybernation

I usually stay pretty positive about the way I look & feel but looking back at how much i weighed in at on this app back in 2010 (I was 19 and 127 lbs - 5'6") and how much i weigh now (23, 155 lbs) the depression is starting to kick in!

Going from waiting tables for a living and going out dancing with my friends every weekend to sitting behind a desk and being a step mommy on the weekends has really impacted my weight. I am very conscious about what I eat during the week, I'm a little more lenient on myself on the weekends however. I should be celebrating my "big girl job" that I earned from busting my butt through college, not wishing I could go back to being on my feet all day just so that I don't keep gaining weight! Plus the thought of having my own children is now terrifying, what if I NEVER lose my pregnancy weight?

I work out anywhere from 3-6 times a week, depending on how mentally drained I am or if we get to spend time with the step kiddo on the weekdays.

Please help me turn this 28 pound weight gain around! There has to be somebody out there who can help me get back on track.


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Exercise without monitoring your calories is fruitless if you want to lose weight. Start using this app to log EVERYTHING you eat/drink. Since you don't have much weight to lose, choose the "lose 1/2 lb/week" option when you are setting up your profile. Lift weights, do a little cardio, eat less than you burn and you will lose the weight!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit, some kind of activity you like 3 times a week, patience.

    - If you make the calorie deficit too high, you'll end up binging on rubbish. It's a hormonal thing

    - If you force yourself to do an activity you don't like up to 6 times a week, you'll soon stop doing it. People don't do long term stuff they hate.

    - If you don't have any patience and throw in the towel after 3 weeks, you'll never get anywhere.

    Just log honestly, log accurately and stick with it. If you **** up, just get up, dust yourself off and carry on.
  • bmaine22
    bmaine22 Posts: 9 Member
    I do think logging my food really was the reason for my success in the past, however I also use to live off of lean cuisines and healthy choice meals which we all know are not the best route to take. I tried nutrisystem recently and felt like I was eating pure chemicals and preservatives; nothing about that food felt real.

    I live an hour from work so my 9 hour work day turns into 12 including commute and getting ready each morning. Does anybody have any ideas for healthy crock pot recipes? That seems to be the only way I can guarantee that I will eat healthy after work. I have a bad habit of eating sugary cereal if I'm too tired to cook or throwing in some mac and cheese with my grilled chicken. We also have a chef where I work who tends to cook a lot of pastas or grilled sandwiches for lunch; today I stuck with the grilled chicken and broccoli and passed up the pasta for once!

    When I first discovered myfitnesspal several years ago, it told me to limit my caloric intake to 1200 calories/day even though I was much lighter than I am now...now it is telling me 1370 calories/day which doesn't make much sense to me.
  • sendcassie
    sendcassie Posts: 15 Member
    If you're concerned about metabolism there are a few things you can try to get it going. I try to drink a few cups of green tea every day, it is supposed to speed up metabolism. Also, I drink up to 80 ounces of water a day to keep everything running smoothly. Fiber from fruits and veggies or fiber supplements can also help speed up metabolism. Maybe one of those things will wake your metabolism from hibernation :) Feel free to add me!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    If you're concerned about metabolism there are a few things you can try to get it going. I try to drink a few cups of green tea every day, it is supposed to speed up metabolism. Also, I drink up to 80 ounces of water a day to keep everything running smoothly. Fiber from fruits and veggies or fiber supplements can also help speed up metabolism. Maybe one of those things will wake your metabolism from hibernation :) Feel free to add me!

    None of that actually works. The only way to speed up metabolism is through activity.