Any Fast 5'ers?

ljb304 Posts: 151 Member
Looking for friends who are Fast 5 Intermittent Fasters...not 5:2. Hope to find some friends to walk this journey with (been at it for almost 2 months).


  • Cby60
    Cby60 Posts: 38 Member
    I am probably close... and trying to get back to it. I usually have a great week and then the weekend slips me up. Do you fast 5 days and eat 500 calories at supper? Or do you do two days 500 calories and the other days 1200?
  • ljb304
    ljb304 Posts: 151 Member
    Actually neither. I am doing Fast 5, it is where you eat in the same 5 hour window everyday. You don't count calories. However I do count calories out of habit. I stick to 1200-1400 a day, I just eat it in a few hours. .
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Today was first day and I only made it until noon, ha ha. Dismal. I had to switch my morning coffee with cream to black tea which I am not too happy about.
  • therealmeemz
    therealmeemz Posts: 1 Member
    Yay! Glad to find another Fast-5er! I'm about a month and a half in, and I've lost 11 lbs so far. I'm very encouraged by the results on the scale and feel better overall.
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Hi!! I'm new to Fast5 and I'm hoping it works! Only been trying it for two weeks and I must say I stay in my window pretty well, that's not the problem. I've found that I overeat during my window...not everyday but I slip up. And found that I've gained 3lbs that I lost doing 5:2. I'm switching from 5:2 because it's very hard for my brain to wrap around the fact that I can only have 500 calories so I very rarely was successful. But 19:5 is easy for least until the last 1 1/2 hours and then I really have to focus! feel free to add me if you like. I'm skeptical right now, but I' m hoping with all my might that this works. Gaining 3lbs the first two weeks makes me an unhappy camper! :)