Healthy foods are making me break out!?

My entire life, my eating choices were hardly ever healthy. High calorie foods and constant junk was literally my diet 24/7. I did occasionally eat fruits and veggies, but not often. I've never ever EVER had acne nor have I ever broke out. I have (luckily) always had clear skin.

This past week I went completely ditched my horrible eating habits. I went completely cold turkey, which isn't as hard as I thought ... okay maybe I'm lying about chocolate but I can totally ditch everything else.

Well this past week alone I have gotten 3 pimples (and some other gross changes...). THREE PIMPLES! That's more than I have ever gotten in my life :'( All I have been doing was eating fresh fruits, veggies, grains and fresh fish.

I'm not under any kind of stress at all. Everything is the same besides my eating. I don't know what to do. I don't want to convert back to my unhealthy eating, but I don't want to look like the average 13 year old either.

Has anyone else had this problem. What can I do to fix it?


  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    Are you near your period time? If it's the week before, during, or week after then your hormones might just be causing it. You can try washing your face twice a day with Cetaphil because it's not harsh and it'll clean out your pores.
  • What do you mean by "Healthy foods" ?. Some dietary fats are known to have a positive influence on complexion, up to and including high-fat diets. If your diet is suddenly lacking in certain things, one or more of them could have been helping your skin to stay clear.
  • xNausicaa
    xNausicaa Posts: 61 Member
    Not for another few weeks. I usually never have this problem, but thank you, I'll definitely try your advice :)
  • xNausicaa
    xNausicaa Posts: 61 Member
    By healthy I mean blue berries, raspberries, bananas, plums, salmon, tuna, oatmeal, oranges and things like that. I eat these foods from time to time so I don't know what eating them more often would break me out.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    your body can actually go through a detox phase if you've implemented new healthy foods recently. especially if you've quit junk cold turkey which is great! but, your body can also be a bit confused but be shedding out toxins and all kinds of science mumbo jumbo. i don't think the healthy food is making you breakout per say, but it could just be a phase you have to wait out. in the meantime just stick to more veggies than fruit, cus excess sugar from fruit can cause hormone fluctuations and breakouts, and also be drinking plenty of water to help detox! your body should get used to it in a couple of weeks if you keep at it. i remember when i went vegan cold turkey over a year ago (i've stopped being vegan, with the exception of still no red meat/poultry or dairy, mostly cus dairy causes big breakouts for me) and i broke out all the time like crazy because my body was detoxing and going through a big change but eventually it all rebalances. just listen to your body, hydrate and don't over eat fruit. fruit is good, but in moderation. healthy fats & veggies are a go to usually. good luck!!
  • xNausicaa
    xNausicaa Posts: 61 Member
    Oh my D:. That makes so much sense though. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me :) I've been mainly munching on fruits so I'll chill out on them a little and I'll wait it out. Thanks again!
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    no problem! a lot of people don't realise how much sugar fruit actually contains it can mess up things if you over do it! everything in moderation. :)
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    When I was a teen, my face hardly ever broke out. When it did, it was after I ate way too many tomatoes :heart: from our garden. I remember in high school, girls telling me they had the same problem..with tomatoes. Just a thought.:smile:
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    A sudden change in diet can cause hormonal and chemical changes in your body. Your body is expecting junk food, so when it get's something else it might over or under compensate. Breaking out is a side effect of these changes. Just keep doing what your doing and your body will level itself out soon. Drink lot's of water and get enough sleep. I break out more when I don't sleep.
  • Joleen24
    Joleen24 Posts: 4 Member
    This is a completely normal and common symptom of detoxing, and I promise it will pass! Your body just needs to flush out the toxins you have been packing into it, and now it has the chance. Your skin is one of the main organs that will expel the toxins so this is totally expected.
  • xNausicaa
    xNausicaa Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you to everyone that answered. Now I know I wont look gross forever. I hope it passes soon:ohwell: