How do I start running?



  • Morgan5647
    Morgan5647 Posts: 598 Member
    Hey all I'm 28 and want lose few lb (like everyone else!) and have taken up running. I'm struggling! Doing c10k but finding it difficult. Anyone else struggle?
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    My advice: start slowly. I haven't run for years, and when I picked it back up a few weeks ago, I went from nothing to 6-8 miles. Within four running sessions or so, my knee was completely strained, and I couldn't walk for days. Just remember to build up to it. Also: pavement sucks. Find a softer place, like packed dirt.
  • Morgan5647
    Morgan5647 Posts: 598 Member
    I'm only doing bout 3 miles 3 times a week, I want increase it but I don't feel like I'm improving.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'd suggest you sign up for a 5k about 6 months from now and slowly begin training for it after you have your baby. Start by walking obviously. As far as music, that's very subjective to your taste. Personally, I have a wide variety of taste. I run to everything from heavy metal to EDM.
  • dpants89
    dpants89 Posts: 20 Member
    I highly recommend couch to 5 km - its awesome. don't know if u can start while pregnant but i would definitely whip out that running pram and start it once u r ready after baby is born!!
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I highly recommend couch to 5 km - its awesome. don't know if u can start while pregnant but i would definitely whip out that running pram and start it once u r ready after baby is born!!

    I think she probably needs to stop running now if she's already doing it though. I knew somone that was pregnant and ran for the first few months but even she swtiched to walking towards the end. But since she was active the whole time, she got back in shape very quickly after the baby compared to most people.
  • Def wait till after the baby! Not a good idea to start running now, your body isn't used to it. You have to watch your HR and your joints are more prone to damage during pregnancy

    I already run now, however my doc had advised for me to stop when pregnant and go less impact :)

    Swimming is great and easy on the joints/belly :)
  • shaylalaine
    shaylalaine Posts: 44 Member
    I am no expert on anything and very new to all of this as this is my first time trying to lose weight.
    I began to run by incorporating it into my walks, I walk 3 miles, about 4 times a week. Now, I run sprints in the middle of my walk, I just take off and go, counting the driveways I pass, I don't go far, just fast,
    I have been able to go a bit longer recently.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Considering you are well into your second trimester and you have no previous running experience then it is highly inadvisable to start doing so.

    I would be amazed if you got medical clearance to do so to be frank...
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    I would ask your doctor first I'm not 100% sure but I was under the impression that you should only run when pregnant if you ran before getting pregnant.

  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I have always loved the idea of being a runner.
    It's overrated. I've always loved the idea of being a race car driver.
    I love the outdoors and really want to connect with nature
    Hug a tree, hippy.
    I am 24 weeks pregnant so I don't want to over do it as well.
    No running when preggers, do it post-baby.
    I have already gotten myself a running stroller so I am fully committed to this idea. What kind of music is best for running? What time of day is best?
    Music you like. Anything works really.
    Whichever time works best for you.
    Could someone just give me some little encouragement or help with this?
  • ^^^^^^ hahaha this is gold! XD
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Stupid me, skimming. Definitely talk to your doctor. I know the usual advice is that if you were doing it regularly before pregnancy, barring any other complications, it's OK to continue. But they don't like you to start more rigorous workouts during pregnancy.
  • Indigomami
    Indigomami Posts: 21 Member
    Workouts when you are pregnant are heart rate dependant, from what I remember. If you start running and you have not been doing it regularly that can cause your heart rate to go to high. That was what my doc told me ages ago, it may have changed so talk to your doc. You can always keep a brisk walking program going and step it up after the baby is born. Make sure you have a jogger that is newborn friendly (you can get adaptor for an infant seat if not, i think). Finding a workout that is newborn friendly is the bigger challange ;-)
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Couch-to-5K. Not only does it work on your cardio but it gets your whole body acclimated to the rigors of running. It really eases you into things. I started running by trial and error, wish I knew about it. Would have been a lot easier to get started...
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    OF course, your OB/GYN should be consulted first, as he knows your history. IF you do get cleared to begin running, C25K is an awesome on line (free) program that progresses you through levels until BAM! one day you're really running.

    This link helped me a LOT!

    Good luck with running and the baby! :flowerforyou:

    ^^agree 100%
  • hbgirl85
    hbgirl85 Posts: 26
    I started running when I was 35, very late, and I used this program:'s+running+handbook

    I liked this program because of its focus on injury prevention, rest days, and overall common sense when starting running. It also emphasized walking and gradually introducing running. Some beginner running programs start you out running two minutes. That was way too much for me and I started slower and gradually worked my way up to doing my first 10K and several after that. Again, it's a slower program, but it works. My husband and I did it together, which was very motivating.

    There are many good programs out there. Good luck!
  • sjeadie
    sjeadie Posts: 7
    Thanks for the suggestions and support everyone! I am a lucky girl! I did a lot of cardio and weight lifting before I was pregnant. During the first trimester I was so sick I spent the full 3 months on the couch so I am basically starting from scratch. I think what might be best is brisk walking each night and then post-partum start one of the 5k programs!