Keto vs Paleo diet



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...and liberal amounts of butter, olive oil, avocado or coconut oil (fat), with maybe some nuts sprinkled on top.

    Butter is no way shape or form paleo, as it is dairy, and processed, and not a whole food. Olives weren't available to our paleo ancestors as they are a post-agricultural creation, avocado is a new world food and was completely unknown to our paleo ancestors, etc etc etc.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Paleo is healthier and better for long term weight loss and health
    Keto is amazing for weight loss, but is the worst for long term maintenance if you don't plan on doing it for the rest of your life.
    When I started out I only planned on doing keto for a year, i was scared of fat and didn't want long term affects of bad fats. I still do plan to do keto until i reach my goal, but I love how much it has taught me about my body, health and lifestyle.
    After that I will gradually increase my carbs in veggies, but won't eat less red meat. Definetely not miss having to eat 10 tbsp of fat a day. Will continue a paleo diet and eating 70-80g of carbs a day.
    On paleo dairy is not allowed, that is one of the major differences between the two.
    Fat isn't bad unless it is trans fat or oxidised. Nothing wrong with quality saturated fat (coconut oil, grass fed meats) or unheated monounsaturated fats. Fat being unhealthy is a myth distributed by grain and corn companies. No link is made between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol levels or high cholesterol and heart disease.
    Hence i put "was". I was planning on going vegetarian after keto the first time around but now know that is a lifestyle I can not live.
    Keto has opened up my mind and cleared my ignorance when it comes food. I used to be scared of fat, but now I realized that every pbese person on earth eats too much sugar. All those studies done on heart disease and high cholesterol never took account of the persons full diet just fat which is beyond flawed. I love keto but as I am using as a diet, I don't plan on using it long term. It has however helped cure my food addiction, diabetes and health.

    I don't get hungry anymore and that makes me so happy I don't rely on food for comfort. I don't plan on doing keto longer than march 2015 I'll be at my goal physique by then and it would be one year. I want to live a primal lifestyle and have more variety for the long run. Since I'm not kidding about making a lifestyle change as weight loss takes 7 years to maintain. No food is worth me gaining it all back, heck even my friends. Except for the occasional spoon of peanut butter ????

    Eating 10 tbsp of fat a day is tiring and I'm eating too much saturated fat. I still love fat, but i want to be able to eat it in moderation. Once I get a job around January, I can't wait to have a full primal diet which I think is the healthiest. Im going to the farm tomorrow for organic meat and eggs. Unless my kids had epilepsy, diabetes or cancer I'd never put on them on keto, paleo all the way ????????
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    The Paleo diet among others are just user friendly skins/brands of the ketogenic diet. Originally used to treat epilepsy in children, the ketogenic diet used a 4:1 ratio by weight of fat to combined carbs/protein[1]. It has been modified several times to increase the volume of protein allowed. The process of ketosis involves many factors but in a nutshell it is the point when your body begins burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. So for the most part when you see high fat moderate protein low carb diet such as the Paleo or Atkins diets you are just seeing a revised and expanded ketogenic diet. Below are links to Wikipedia and to a study conducted by a group of cardiologists who studied the longer term effects of a high fat low carb diet.
  • LuckySlydog
    Interesting blog. I have done Atkins for about three years. I don't use it as a diet but as a way of life and plan on always eating this way even when I reach my goal weight. Contrary to popular belief, I eat more VEG now than I have ever in my life and avoid "empty calories" like the plague. Great blog :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Paleo eliminating grains, dairy and legumes while focusing on whole foods

    I always eat the whole pizza when I order one! I'm paleo I guess. Go me!
    Hey we made it all the way to the end of the first page before the mocking and threadjacking began. go us!
  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    A great resource for a Paleo style diet is at

    Oh dear god no.

    If you want the paleo diet path, fine, but Mark Sisson is a snake oil salesman and that site is loaded with more bogus "information" than a weekend TMZ viewing binge.

    Examples? Of course Sisson sells supplements, books and seminars, but I don't recall any clearly "bogus" information on his site - rather the opposite.
  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    Interesting blog. I have done Atkins for about three years. I don't use it as a diet but as a way of life and plan on always eating this way even when I reach my goal weight. Contrary to popular belief, I eat more VEG now than I have ever in my life and avoid "empty calories" like the plague. Great blog :)

    Of course - the common belief is that on Atkins you replace carbs with meat, while in reality you replace them with salads, vegetables (bulk/nutrition) and fat (energy). Turns out you can implement an Atkins/Keto diet within the Paleo framework.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    A great resource for a Paleo style diet is at

    Oh dear god no.

    If you want the paleo diet path, fine, but Mark Sisson is a snake oil salesman and that site is loaded with more bogus "information" than a weekend TMZ viewing binge.

    Examples? Of course Sisson sells supplements, books and seminars, but I don't recall any clearly "bogus" information on his site - rather the opposite.

    See CHO curve for weightloss, see any of his talk about "hidden poisons" etc etc
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    In for the festivities.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    A great resource for a Paleo style diet is at

    Oh dear god no.

    If you want the paleo diet path, fine, but Mark Sisson is a snake oil salesman and that site is loaded with more bogus "information" than a weekend TMZ viewing binge.

    Examples? Of course Sisson sells supplements, books and seminars, but I don't recall any clearly "bogus" information on his site - rather the opposite.

    I don't agree with all he says, but I have found a lot of his information helpful and I find his theories reasonable (even those I personally disagree with). I also appreciate that he often links to his sources so you can read the underlying information yourself. I'm also a fan of much of Lyle McDonald's information.

    And I've read his blog for years and have never paid a penny for anything. So, not really sure where the snake oil is, but if he's a snake oil salesman, he's really bad at it as so much of his information is free.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I tried a Keto diet for about 4 months, bought the keto strips and tested my pee pee, i was very hard core with it.
    Basically, yes I lost weight and my tummy was the flattest it's been BUT there's no way I could sustain that. It was just way too restrictive, even eating veggies would throw me out of keto so it's good old fashioned, "everything in moderation" for me now. :flowerforyou: